Wolters Kluwer Authenticator

This app simplifies MFA for supported WK Tax & Accounting applications.

Total ratings

2.38 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for Wolters Kluwer Authenticator on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.57
All time rating average: 2.38

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86% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Javier Barranca
TERRIBLE APP It does not work at all losing my time for about two hours and the worst i can not access to the EXPENSIVE SOFWARE!!
Daniel Abreu
Absolutely hilarious that the push 2FA on us, and then don't bother to test if their own app that they created works with the authenticator. Absolute bush league but at least they did it before tax season.
Fred Flintstone
Cch is the worst.
Artinperfection LLC
Walter kuwler owe me my 2021 taxes and payment for working for you 1099 pay me my mf money
Pankaj Mishra
Great App for Authentication.
Tim Hardy
Horrible app. Followed directions and web site info and it still did not work! This is typical of CCH Wolters Kluwer - they release software and it is NOT thoroughly tested or there is an incompatibility with their systems. DON'T USE!!
leon dodd
Set up is absolute rubbish - now cannot access the site I need.