Stock Control and Inventory

Stock and inventory management solution for shop, storehouse, or small business

Total ratings

4.61 (Rating count: 675)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and understand
  • User-friendly interface
  • Good stock value tracking features
  • Impressive and clean UI
  • Suitable for small business inventory management
  • Issues with importing inventory lists
  • Problems with app crashes and stability
  • Paid features not accessible even after subscription
  • Copying function does not work properly
  • Date recording issues for past entries
Most mentioned
  • Inability to import inventory or goods from Excel even in paid version
  • App crashes frequently when accessing folders
  • Paid functionalities not available despite subscription
  • User interface could use improvements
  • Need for more options like invoice generation and profit/loss calculations
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.61
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17% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
can not import inventory list,only for one device
can simply add tag or label inside when editing the stock
Abiodun Adeniyi
Very good and simple to use
Ziadah Zainal Abidin
Easy to use and understand.
Bounce Back TV
Simple, user friendly, the interface is very nice, simple and not intimidating. I hope this would be updated, that per transactions could be printed like an invoice style.
Mr Cyclone Gama
I love it, how do I get to include resale price of items and also the currency setting?
Munkhbaatar Baatar
I like the stock value that it creates for you for easy access to numbers. I purchased the app thinking it will be good but there are some prpblems. Entering items is easy but copying the same item conreate another version of the same product doesn't work. Copying function doesn't work. Additionally, everytime you edit something in the item listed, you have to reenter the sales price. Otherwise it becomes zero. They should fix these problems.
bryce orville
loving the app so far have only used it for two months , it is a really good business software👏👏..Help with the stock taking feature its not appearing on the apps dashboard but lm subscribed..
Fakhruddin Makra
I am having few issues , I have subscribed to the app and paid as said but am still not able to get those option that were only available after paying subscription, like adding prices , when receiving cargo I am not able to choose which location it's going to also I am not having my currency included in currency list, had sent an email to admin almost 7days now but no response so am not sure if it was right decision to pay the subscription
AJ Aryaman עמית
Most options are paid. Atleast keep price unit unlocked. Good app but need more options
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