HuntFish OH

Official licensing and game check app of the Ohio Division of Wildlife.

Total ratings

4.34 (Rating count: 309)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use and convenient
  • Great for keeping track of licenses and permits
  • Helpful for locating lakes, rivers, and hunting areas
  • Maps show public ODNR land and where to hunt/fish
  • Allows for multiple profiles to manage family accounts
  • Map feature frequently gets stuck on 'searching'
  • Some users experience issues with retrieving information from the maps
  • Missing detailed map features (like property lines and specific restrictions)
  • Bug related to displaying the HIP certification number
Most mentioned
  • Map issues and freezing
  • Convenience of having all licenses in one place
  • Usability for outdoor activities
  • Frustration during sign-up process
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.34
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14% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Dave Carroll
The recent update made this app unusable. When you try to log in it says that no connection is available. This happens on Wi-Fi or with full bars or 5G service. Tried on two separate phones.
Tree Man
It is very easy to use and convenient.
Brandon Mitchell
Amazingly helpful especially if you have a large family easily swith accounts to get what you need for who you need check your game purchase license and permits even look at maps resources almost anything you need nothing like the old days still worth the look
mark schafer
Better than I expected, does come with some frustration during sigh up. I had to enter information multiple times but eventually got it done. Having all licenses in one place will be helpful for me and should I need to show to ODNR officers.
Awesome app great way to locate lakes, ponds, rivers, creeks. Plenty of places to fish, camp, cookout. Anything to do with hunting it's on this app. Animal tracks identification is on this app.
Tasha G.
I literally just downloaded this app. I find nothing on it that would be useful for me. When I click an area to review all it does is spin like it is searching and nothing changes. I have the latest version. Might leave it on my phone and check again before the spring fishing season really picks up.
Update: 2/17/22 App now reads depths again and works perfectly fine! - 😎Last year the HuntFish OH app worked great for figuring water depth on various fishing spots. ***************************************** Just recently I wanted to 😏scout new fishing spots for this year but when I tap on a water spot of even any spot. I just get a spinning icon with it saying searching. ******************************************I tried uninstalling and reinstalling BUT no luck. 🥲
R. Swizzle
Great app for sure, would be lost without it. Wish they would implement a few new features. Im not sure what but it feels like it's missing something. Overall, great app!
j murr
Great tool. Map is bugged. Every time you try to interact with the map it freezes on the searching pop-up. Android
doughboy 2
Seems like it would be a really cool app, but everytime I click on the map it just keeps searching nothing ever changes. I installed the app 4 times and continues the same thing
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