Planets Merge: Puzzle Games

Star matching galaxy game

Total ratings

4.31 (Rating count: 888)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Non-intrusive ads
  • Addictive and fun gameplay
  • Simple and refreshing puzzle mechanics
  • Visually appealing with cute planet designs
  • Great for passing the time and improves problem-solving skills
  • Frequent bugs and glitches
  • Slow motion effects can be frustrating
  • Frequent ads and redirects to app store
  • Lack of useful in-game tools or power-ups
  • Some users reported issues with gameplay mechanics
Most mentioned
  • Addictive gameplay
  • Bugs and glitches
  • Non-intrusive ads
  • Simple and fun
  • Visual appeal of planets and merging mechanics
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.31
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Rating filters

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54% (14)
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4% (1)
Date Author Rating Comment
Ricky Noblecia
Three words: non intrusive adds... And also suika but with planets
Flying Dragon
simple yet refreshing puzzle with a round twist Better than many brainrot ad farms out there
Deanne “ModemMom” Zeman
I am having a Blast playing this game! It is pleasantly different from the other fruit merge games, since they are Planets they fall like Rocks (Sound Effects Included) The Planets barely roll because we do live on the Third Rock From The Sun!
Karmoh J
I like this game so much because the planets merge into bigger planets!
spork parks
I personally am a sucker for simple games. and the faces of the planets make me chuckle.
fun but I can't get two black holes
Pree Narsim
it's not friendly..... can give some life savers using points..... can inforce smash, and manual joinings using points....
Not bad but when a planet passes the top line it goes slow motion and only gives like 3 seconds but in reality it's like 1 second in slow motion jus to fail because When you pass the ceiling cap you have like 3 seconds real-time while the planet rolls in slow motion. It's meant to ruin your fun.
Ursh anabi
It'snot a bad game but a lot of ads and a lot of bugs too with no way of reporting them. 7677 is my record because it glitched out on me!
Garid Bat Erdene
It's very very very good game
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