Utah Wildflowers

Identify Wildflowers and other plants that grow in Utah

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4.91 (Rating count: 11)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.83
All time rating average: 4.91

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Date Author Rating Comment
Neil Reed
A great way to quickly narrow down plants in my area, a must-have for field ID
Shelby Cinea
Love this app! Perfect for what I need. If there's anything you need to add, I couldn't tell you what that is. I downloaded to identify "weeds" in my yard so I know what to keep for pollinators and what to pull. Works great! I love that I can make a list for all my "weeds"
Bruce H
Nice usable app.
A Google user
Love this app. it is easy to use. some of the flowers could use some more pictures. Maps are helpful. wish there more states available, like Idaho.
A Google user
This app Rocks!
A Google user
Easy to use, accurate so far. Love the location maps and elevation selection