Ohio Wildflowers

Identify Wildflowers and other plants that grow in Ohio

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4.42 (Rating count: 20)
See reviews for Ohio Wildflowers on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.29
All time rating average: 4.42

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Date Author Rating Comment
Cassie Hendrickson
Wonderful. Really helps you figure out what the flower is that you're looking at.
Jennifer Isom
Excellent Ohio wildflower identification app.
Steve Sens
Just found and installed this app on my Samsung, and it works wonderfully. I was able to ID 4 flowers unknown to me. The ID features make sense and are simple to use, and I love how one can find out more plant information as the information is simple to navigate too. Wonderfull app!
A Google user
Lame identification
A Google user
Simple easy and helpful
A Google user
Best state-specific app I've found! Awesome!
A Google user
Simple to use and quite effective at identifying wildflower. There are some things that could be improved. More pictures for each plant and not all plants have descriptions. Sometimes difficult to identify plants based on only one picture. Still an excellent resource and the best plant id app that I have found.