Nevada Wildflowers

Identify Wildflowers and other plants that grow in Nevada

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4.45 (Rating count: 12)
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Recent rating average: 4.17
All time rating average: 4.45

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Date Author Rating Comment
Ron Schroeder
Great app, but missing plant endemic to Nevada. Was disappointed that I could not find Arctomecon Californica listed.
Michael McCampbell
This app is great for identifying Nevada wildflowers. I'm surprised at how often it gets me to the correct species.
Clifford Collins
Couldn't identify any wildflowers in my area using this app.
So glad this exists This app is great for people to learn more about the plants of their state. It works very well, once you understand how to see the differences in leaf structure/number of petals. I even use this app as part of my job - its iseful for people who look at plants every day and people who are just learning (and everyone in betweeen)!
A Google user
Wonderful app for identifying flowers in the field.
A Google user
Very well done app! I have been able to easily identify all the wildflowers blooming right now on my Northern Nevada property, several of which I have searched in vain for on the internet. It is so nice to be able to input ALL the search parameters, including time of year and specific location. Soooo much better than those plant picture identifier apps! Thank you!