North Carolina Wildflowers

Identify Wildflowers and other plants that grow in North Carolina

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4.88 (Rating count: 17)
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Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.88
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Date Author Rating Comment
Haze Alt
I Love Field identification and this app is absolutely perfect! The category selecting format is so good and the dictionary is larger than expected! And it has a variety of lichens which was more than I expected! Love that I do not need an internet connection to look at new plants 😊
I have been using this app for years. However, a recent update ( I assume) has caused some grief as one day all my plant lists were there, the next they were not. The only thing changed about the app is there is now a time and place button beside the search button. I understand this may be my OS, but that seems unlikely. Any help would be appreciated.
Donna C. Coulson
Helpful to ID wildflowers in my area
chuck ramsey
Nice app, but search feature has to think several seconds after each letter is typed or removed. Why not let user enter entire word before searching?
Jessamyn Barkman
I have used this app a lot. I especially like that it has whether plants are native or not, and the counties where it has been found. It isn't perfect (very few things are) but it is very good. I also find it easy to use.
Jessica Tilley
I have always used this app.
A Google user
Very easy to use. I can easily find what I'm looking for. It is a very large app (so you can access info when not able to receive service), that's definitely something to keep in mind. I was able to transfer it to my sd card, which has plenty of room.
A Google user
A Google user
I like the app . An improvement would be to add the color of the pollen. As I have honey bees and trap their pollen loads. It would be helpful to have a resource for pollen color.
A Google user
This app has been incredibly helpful with my learning process for flora in NC!
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