Illinois Wildflowers

Identify Wildflowers and other plants that grow in Illinois

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4.56 (Rating count: 18)
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Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.56

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Date Author Rating Comment
Sam Erens
Good app
JJ McLuckie
This app and website are probably my most frequently opened; however, I usually find myself looking up the plant on the app and then following the links back to the website. I wish the app would include the full plant bio, especially the faunal associations. For a free app, it's incredible though
Sherri Stadel
I love the Illinois Wildflowers app! I'm into natural medicine from the plans that grow around us every day and this app helps me not poison myself. However always always have servel different forms of identifing every thing you even touch in the plant world. It'll probably save your life and those you are trying to help. Check out April on YouTube at (she is of the woods) to help you learn how valuable the things that are growing up probably in your yard!
Dolph Williams
Key is easy to use and is accurate
A Google user
most useful innovative app ever for plant identification. thank you to all the people who worked on this
A Google user
it's good. i wish the the entire description of each plant was within the app, like in the older version of the app. now you have to open the Illinois wildflowers website on a browser to see the entire description and photos. glad there are more plants though. i mainly like the description of habitat types and the comments in the Illinois wildflowers website that help to understand the distinctions between similar species.
A Google user
Very handy app, particularly if you know a little of what you are looking for. What I miss most about the old version and the website is the comments on each species. Often, when looking for a plant, I'd land on one that is close, but maybe not quite right. The commentary often suggests similar species that might not even be in the app. It was a good resource for someone who still has a hard time deciphering the technical descriptions.
A Google user
Previous version ran a lot smoother.