Central California Wildflowers

Identify Wildflowers and other plants that grow in Central California

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4.60 (Rating count: 12)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.60

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Susan Stuart
Great app for plant ID on the go!
A Google user
This application and it's sibbings, are a great resource for the amateur naturalist. I sometimes struggle with keys. With this application I can quickly identify the plant I am interested in. Thanks to the author for the work that went into it. revisted my review 2/19/19 This application just keeps getting better and better. I use it almost ever time I'm out in nature. Love it This application just
A Google user
Intuitive and helpful app. Brilliant. The more I use it, the more I love it. Thank you, Mr Sullivan.
A Google user
Easy to use to identify flowers and wonderful photos. Lots of helpful links for more info.