Arkansas Wildflowers

Identify Wildflowers and other plants that grow in Arkansas

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4.60 (Rating count: 13)
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Recent rating average: 4.83
All time rating average: 4.60

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Date Author Rating Comment
Maren Dell Lincks
Great app and its helpful.
A Google user
Very impressed with this app. Very easy to use.
A Google user
Just what I was looking for! Very well put together. Thanks!
A Google user
Great app the has an extensive collection of trees, flowers, shrubs, and other plants. Can look flowers by color, when blooming, location in state, flower petals, type of leaves, etc. Also has online references to other sites with pictures to help in identifying.
A Google user
Easy to use, pretty accurate app. Helps you narrow down varieties in locations.
A Google user
Easy, simple to use. Able to identify states from various geographic regions, which helps narrow it down if unsure. I wish it had descriptions, or at least a small bit of info, about the plants