Whova - Event & Conference App

Award-winning mobile event app

Total ratings

4.86 (Rating count: 27,166)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to navigate and user-friendly interface
  • Good for networking and making connections with other attendees
  • Helpful features like personalized agendas and event maps
  • Useful for both attendees and exhibitors/speakers
  • Overall positive experience and high recommendation from users
  • Buggy notification system with unread messages showing incorrectly
  • Issues with formatting in session descriptions
  • Lack of functionality for listening to lectures without keeping the screen on
  • Problems with video livestream during sessions
  • Vendor scanner notes section does not support spellcheck
Most mentioned
  • User-friendly navigation
  • Networking opportunities
  • Issues with notifications
  • Problems with formatting and session descriptions
  • Good agenda and map features
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 4.86
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Date Author Rating Comment
Jackson Calame
Great app but clunky. Especially trying to navigate notifications. They're all grouped, but worse, if you click to reply to an Icebreaker, it doesn't take you to the specific icebreaker which makes it impossible to build on the relationship with more than a thousand people to sort through. Great idea, terrible implementation.
Joseph Gurreri
Used it 3 years in a row now and it's the best conference app I've used yet. Only gripe is that the vendor scanner notes section (Android) does not use the default keyboard and doesn't do ANY spellchecker, so my notes come out garbage. If fixed then I could look prospects in the eye while I type notes. Fix it and you got 6 stars! Or better yet 10 stars!
Dustin T
Attending a conference and unfortunately the organizers choose this app. I lost count of how many BS emails I got even before downloading the app. Scrolling though sessions, it's hard to see individual papers as many sessions description are poorly formatted and lack any lines breaks. Also does not allow you to select individual papers only sessions
Jaye Van Alstyne
Slick app with insufferable push notifications. They dont use android notification catergoeries, everything is just "General." So, you go into the app, and change notification settings there... but it doesnt respect it. The only thing I want is important announcements from the organizers but I think I'll just have to mute the whole app in android.
Heather DeSpain
This app brings professional conferences to a new level. As an attendee, it gives you new networking and connection opportunities. I particularly like the ability to suggest and find meet-ups to locate folks with similar interests and lunch/dinner companions. I also used it recently as an exhibitor and speaker. The virtual exhibitor booth was well thought out. I hope my next conference in October is utilizing this app so I can explore those features more.
Sherida Shenanigans
I attended a literacy conference that used Whova. The app was such a great tool for determining what sessions I wanted to attend. I was lost at one point, and the map within the app was great for finding the right location for the session I wanted to attend. Whova was great for networking as well; there was a feature that showed who was in attendance, what district they were from, as well as their role within the district. The app is easy to navigate.
Ingrid Shankle
Hey Tim, it was a great experience using the Whova mobile app. Having everything you need at your fingertips and not having to keep up with a daily paper schedule was awesome. My agenda was handy, and I was able to plan ahead for the session that was best for my particular interests. It would've been nice if all the presenters were able to have their slide presentations available on the handouts. Overall, everything was great, and I look forward to attending next year.
Victoria Respass
This app made our entire event experience so flawlessly simple. It was an amazing tool that allowed (and continues to allow post event) me to easily communicate with everyone at the event and to easily choose which classes I wanted to attend. The map feature was extremely helpful for those like me who are directionally challenged. I had a wonderful experience with this app and can't say enough good things about it!! Thank you Whova!!
Jennifer Kyer
We used this app for our conference, it was great for three reasons. The first reason was the apps ability to keep the different seminar times and locations organized by date, time, and speaker. The second was the messaging abilty between all participants of the conference. Lastly was the map feature. Our hotel conference center was huge, this app rescued me from being lost several times. The Whova app kept us happy and informed instead of lost and confused.
Kary Fernandez
It's so easy to use this app. I highly recommend it! What a life saver to be able to read the slides and follow along during the presentations, and conferences, knowing that if you miss something you can go back and refer to slides. It's also a great way to meet up and connect, network and contact people you didn't get a chance to talk to after a conference or presentation! Thank you Whova for putting the User Experience at the forefront!
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