Visual Code Editor

Test HTML, CSS, JavaScript at the same time in a Single window

Total ratings

3.77 (Rating count: 126)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Works offline
  • Easy to use
  • Useful for coding HTML, CSS, and JS
  • Cannot save code
  • Full of ads
  • Poor visual interface
  • Non-intuitive
Most mentioned
  • Can't save work
  • Ad-heavy interface
  • Poor usability
See reviews for Visual Code Editor on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.40
All time rating average: 3.77
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5 star
45% (9)
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15% (3)
Date Author Rating Comment
Duncan Joubert
Couldn't even open a file and get ads 0/10
Jennifer Okafor
I just love that it's works offline,so great. I wish I could save my work tho 😭
Trevor Meth
I know that programming isn't that easy but your app is the worst I've ever installed in my life! Sorry, I know it hurts. Polish up!
Eric Milgram
App is a barely functional ad-fest. Interface is ugly and non-intuitive. There's no way to actually export source code from your browser or a URL into the app directly. There is no option to preview your rendered markup code in another browser installed on your system. Instead, you can only view it in the app's built in browser. If you want a functional, easy-to-use app for viewing, editing, and rendering your HTML, check out "HTML Source Code Viewer" by CloudStoreWorks.
S.Gowtham Karthik
Console.log is not working very bad every app have this problem
It would have been the best app if one could save code,the three face HTML,css Js is interesting,help to add save code button.
Omolara Akinremi
The app is easy to use but you can't save your script...
Benny Saurombe
I give it 3 stars because I'm failing to same my information tha I coded
Vaughn Barfield
Does what it says
Samuel Akpan
Worst mobile app ever. Poor visual interface. Not responsive, thanks! for the waste of time
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