Westfield Bank

Access your finances anywhere, anytime with Westfield Bank Mobile.

Total ratings

4.27 (Rating count: 1,021)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Convenient for mobile deposits and banking tasks without needing to visit a branch.
  • Good fraud protection assistance and response from the bank.
  • Simple and easy to use interface when the app is functioning properly.
  • Instant balance feature is particularly appreciated by users.
  • Ability to toggle bank cards off when lost is a time saver.
  • Frequent crashing and login issues, making the app unreliable.
  • Inconsistent functionality with mobile deposits, requiring multiple attempts to deposit checks.
  • Frustrating user experience due to needing to re-enter credentials often when accessing certain features.
  • Not all banking functionalities available on the app, such as setting up scheduled transfers.
  • Poor optimization and sluggish performance on Android devices.
Most mentioned
  • Frequent crashes and login/easy access issues.
  • Problems with mobile deposits, especially check imaging.
  • Inconsistent performance and functionality, especially during off-peak hours.
  • Need for an update to improve overall usability and reliability.
  • Request for more streamlined transactions and clearer access to features.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.00
All time rating average: 4.27
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28% (8)
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38% (11)
Date Author Rating Comment
Andrea M
Sometimes, I have issues with depositing a check on the app. Other than that, it works good.
Matt S.
Great bank in terms of both fraud protection assistance, as well as mobile deposit functionality especially since my company still pays employees in checks, using the Westfield bank app is a convenient work around to having to deal with being paid via paper check. I also like how unlike bank of America which I used to have, the deposit function has no issues taking check photos.
Israel Acevedo
Thanks for providing your customers with the Westfield Savings app, it's a life saver, It's great....
bill cavanaugh
This app needs more development. It cannot compare to its web page for usability. Each time I log into pay bills after logging into the app I need to re-enter my login credentials. This makes it cumbersome. When viewing bills it's tough to see the payment schedule you've scheduled.
Jill Lueb
New phone, app won't work. Deleted and downloaded again, same problem. Very frustrating as it worked great before. Update 12/20/24 - app still won't work on my phone. Customer service doesn't know why. Do the developers read these comments? It's very frustrating.
Brian W
For the application to ask for a password without a recent update is concerning about its security. I am reluctant to continue to use this service with all the recent banking application hacking.
Okami Creece (Saichi)
won't allow me to unlock my card sometimes or even login being unable to validate my credentials
George LaMountain II
This is a terrible app only works when it wants to And we all know that this app was down for a month at least not that long ago
I, most every deposit, have take photos of the check three or four times before it is accepted.
Truth BeTold
2wks no app so far.. if you locked your cards you have to call the bank to unlock. Smh worst bank everrr. To further prove that the reviews below are fake reviewers... while claiming the app never has any issues their website itself tells you that it's down almost every single freaking day and they tell you that you can log in on the website rather than on the app but it also comes with its issues. False reviews is not going to change facts idiots
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