Reviews of GoGo Pay

List of user reviews and ratings for GoGo Pay
See reviews for GoGo Pay on Google Play Store
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Recent rating average: 4.60
All time rating average: undefined
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Date Author Rating Comment
Yaman Jain
Best for chokidar Aaj gadi tera bhai chalayega
Sandeep Saxena
Very Nice App I m Happy.
kapil soni
Amazing application i seen ever, i am using from long time and feeling great shopping experience with the least price.
Nitin Vyas
Great Application. Value for money. I personally recommend this application. Look forward for expansion of service to other cities. All the best.
A Google user
Hello sir, the card that I bought from you, Bronze, inside your watchman card for Rs 1500 from the Delhi Gate shop, now the shopkeepers are refusing to take the card for the last two-three days saying that the card has stopped. The software has flown, it is not running even in mobile, it will be closed so soon, it was not known, otherwise I would not spend by giving fifteen ₹ 1500.
A Google user
No show our online Discount rate
A Google user
Exceptional service by waves
A Google user
I have purchase 4 black and whit so cheep rate
A Google user
Shandaar service, filling happy
A Google user
Best app for shopping in udaipur
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