RadioUpnp - Radio & UPnP/DLNA

Clean designed internet radio player with integrated UPnP/DLNA function

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3.67 (Rating count: 89)
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Recent rating average: 4.10
All time rating average: 3.67
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Date Author Rating Comment
Charles Batterman
Great, simple app for streaming Internet radio stations. Unfortunately, it no longer works with my OG Chromecast Audio device. Chromecast TV is working. Please fix Chromecast Audio streaming!
Joe Krisocki
I couldn't get it to stream DLNA nearly all but about one of the included radio stations on my Sony UBP-800X Blu-ray player. Other apps work.
Jakob Krummzaun
Excellent app, easy to use. But doesn't seem to be able to handle hls: BBC Radio doesn't work. Or maybe my renderer can't handle it, in which case the problem is a lack of informative error messaging.
Curt Torgerson
Very nice app. Great alternative to bluetooth because other sounds don't interrupt your radio. One question ... is it possible to send to more than speaker at the same time?
Mmm Lll
It's almost perfect, free and no adds, easily find and connect to the UpnP/DLNA device on the network. If you disconnect your android device (where the app is installed) from the local wifi network, the radio stop playing at your local UPnP/DLNA device connected to the same wifi (like a streamer).
Andy Foster
I've spent all day trying to send an internet radio station to a DLNA receiver ... Finally found this app which allows me to do it. No more sh1tty Bluetooth connections.
Andrei Marinescu
We need more UPNP capable apps. Thank you
ntn top
Excellent, great work, only one detail when using another upnp app, the music running is what I have in cellphone but playing radio so is showing my songs running
Robert Osory
Only 12 stations. No device on casting
Chris W
Many internet radios have become defunct because their server, Reciva, has shut down. However those same radios can take upnp streams. This pushes radio stations to my Grace Mondo and acts as a remote. It can find and save most of the internet radio stations I sought to replace; others took manual entry. DO NOT RESET YOUR RADIO, you may be unable to get wifi back. You can edit the presets in the app. Note--This app did not work on my older internet radio, so it will be trial and error.
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