3D Live Wallpapers 4D video 4K

3D, live, and moving wallpapers & themes in 4K and HD for your device.

Total ratings

4.54 (Rating count: 350,612)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Wide variety of beautiful and unique wallpapers
  • User-friendly and easy to navigate interface
  • Smooth and stunning graphics
  • Ability to set wallpapers for home and lock screens
  • Free wallpapers with an option to view ads for access
  • Excessive and intrusive ads that disrupt usage
  • App stability issues; wallpapers sometimes disappear
  • Lack of search function or categories for easier navigation
  • Wallpapers occasionally reset to default without notice
  • Long ads required to apply or view wallpapers
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads to navigate or apply wallpapers
  • Wallpapers frequently disappear or require reapplication
  • Lack of a search feature for easier navigation
  • App is visually impressive but unstable at times
  • Users cannot customize wallpapers easily with current options
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 4.54
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Date Author Rating Comment
Chris Brown
it's got a nice easy to use menu and some of the best wallpapers and all u have to do is watch a 30 sec add if it's not unlock and that's fair once u see the wallpapers and the amount of wallpapers they have there is something for every style you wouldn't be disappointed ,I would have gave 5 star if u didn't have to watch a ad and if there was a option to creat your own .over all one of the best best wallpapers apps if not the best. good job
Avazbek Kakhkhorov
It's not stable, doesn't work continuously. The wallpaper gets disappeared by chance. But when it's set up, looking awesome.
Sean Lausar
this app is really cool. they have a ton of different wallpapers and video wallpapers to choose from. a lot of them are really awesome to look at.
Amal Jose Paul
I like this app but later when we create a new one it stucks stucks stucks horrible even after uninstall./ Two days before I got one message that you fixed but never it's the same way. Stuck πŸ˜“πŸ€πŸ«‘πŸ₯±
Ken Dowden
Soo many Ads. Even when I'm not using the app or even my phone for that. All I have to do is pick up my phone and ads start playing. Does that even when I'm texting. It's soo stupid
William β€œZach” Aderhold
The graphics are expertly done with fluid seamless motion that makes you go "hell yeah! check out this one." over and over again. Especially considering the extensive selection. Finding yours won't take long.
Abdat Moha
perfekt app works ok , but you can not set the video background as well pepper.
would be better if you could search or at least if it had categories. takes forever to scroll through everything.
David Abraham
Wallpapera look great, but the amount of adds that you have to go through just to view each one is unbelievably annoying. I understand if you had to watch a full add once you decide to apply a wallpaper, and maybe have an ad thrown in after viewing 5-10 wallpapers, but this feels like ads every other second. What a waste of time.
Charles Obanwude
While all(mostly)the critical review are full with begrudge individuals, the app is great (though not perfect), having problems with search function- at least they gave chance for a wide range of option- favourite it, as for it not being consistent on the phone, I believe the bug as being fixed because it doesn't affect mine
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