Live Wallpapers 4K 3D LiveLoop

Live wallpaper,Dynamic wallpaper engine,Cool & dope backdrops,Background changer

Total ratings

4.77 (Rating count: 4,210)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • High quality live wallpapers
  • Smooth animations
  • Variety of wallpaper categories
  • User-friendly interface
  • Relatively low subscription cost
  • Intrusive ads
  • Battery drain due to animations
  • Issues with setting wallpaper correctly on devices
  • Unsatisfactory customer support
  • Confusing payment structure and monetization practices
Most mentioned
  • Issues with ads being too intrusive
  • Battery drain concerns with live wallpapers
  • Problems with setting wallpapers on different devices
  • Need for more free options and content updates
  • Request for better interaction with the auto changer feature
See reviews for Live Wallpapers 4K 3D LiveLoop on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.77
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22% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Eros Nunez
The ads are worth the quality of the wallpaper. 5 stars no lie. You should add a zoom out animation when I unlock the phone or swipe for the app drawer.
Paul R
Blasted with an ad within the first minute - I cannot get it to stop playing! Also, considering wallpapers are everywhere, the subscription options do not represent value. Uninstalling immediately!
Muhammad Asad
It's really good but again as an live wallpaper it's drains battery... But I know what can. Fix it if the animation only moves when no app is on front like we are on the home screen, and when we open an app like gallery or file manager it stop the animation to prevent extra battery drain, so please developers add these things or allow support for apps like macrodriod or tasker so we can do it manually, liveloop is really good but it can be perfect, thank you.
John Metcalfe
I'm very happy with the volume and quality. While you can get many walls from watching videos, after several days of lurking, I felt I'd be wanting several.
Fortune Elemi
I am currently on Android 14 and have tried everything to set a wallpaper. I keep getting allow storage access when the app never asked and I can't give permission in settings either since it wasn't requested by the app. Please try to fix this asap :(
I use the paid version and it is great, but I have a Huawei Mate tablet and I I hope to develop a version that works on the Huawei Mate tab 11.5 without the need for Google services and is available on the Huawei app Store. In addition, when trying the application on the tablet, the background is cropped and not rotated. Please add an option to rotate the background to be of high resolution and compatible with the tablet in landscape mode. Thank you all
Doreen Hill
You have to try this app, very smooth the pictures are so beautiful and relaxing.
tony shaji
Nice live wallpapers, almost most of them works on a perfect loop. My OP 12 does not drain a lot of battery as well.
Angel De Leon
Pretty high quality stuff. Now the ads with the whole dating and sexually immortal stuff you can do without, not everyone is a hornball, you know!
Ad Cuber
It has the most amazing minimalist live and 4k wallpapers. According to the other wallpapers, it's Damn Cool.. Must try!
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