Dragon of the Three Kingdoms_L

Dragon of the Three Kingdoms is an Action RPG

Total ratings

3.65 (Rating count: 9,027)

Review summary

  • Nice graphics and adventurous elements.
  • Good storyline.
  • Potential for improvement and engaging gameplay.
  • Game performance is slow and glitchy.
  • Issues with controls and movement.
  • Difficulty in progressing through stages.
Most mentioned
  • Game crashes at times.
  • Repeatedly stuck on the same level.
  • Battles are overly difficult and drawn out.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Dragon of the Three Kingdoms_L on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.65
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Rating filters

5 star
44% (8)
4 star
6% (1)
3 star
17% (3)
2 star
6% (1)
1 star
28% (5)
Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
very breeliant game
A Google user
stock on stage1, how can I open the other stages? i finish the firat stage a couple of time but still the other stages are closed.
A Google user
Plays very slow... With old graphics like this, why does it run so slow?
A Google user
So bring
A Google user
Wonderful game! The storyline​ is good!!! Please create more of such wonderful game...
A Google user
A Google user
This game has a huge potential, having huge opportunities. It crashes at times for me.
A Google user
A Google user
i can buy the coin no with cash but free..♥
A Google user
i have repeatedly played d same level 5 times
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