Smart Calculator-Multipurpose

Various calculations in everyday life as well as simple calculations

Total ratings

4.13 (Rating count: 330)

Review summary

  • Easy to use interface
  • Minimal ads that don't disrupt usage
  • Functional for various measurements and conversions
  • Good general calculator capabilities
  • Full screen ads are disruptive
  • Lack of certain memory functions (m+, m-)
  • Issues with copying and pasting calculations
  • Errors in unit conversions (e.g., volume vs capacity)
Most mentioned
  • Ads are a common concern
  • User interface issues with operations after equal sign
  • Conversion accuracy and logic are questioned
  • Desire for more features and updates
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.13
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35% (7)
Date Author Rating Comment
Pete Parry
I just recently installed this app and thus far it is excellent. Easy to use and the ads are at the bottom and do not disrupt or distract from using the calculator.
diliup gabadamudalige
Excellent layout and ease of use.
Jeff Miz
This is a great calculator app. Ads are minimal and not too annoying. Currency conversion rates are always updated.
Lillykutty Mathew
One of the most useful calculator app I have ever used, truly just an amazing app๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ
Joseph Modiotis
Knot = 0.000001km per hour? Well that's why we take aeroplanes, yes,no? Fix that please...
James Tilley (JimmyTea)
Only issue I have with it is there's no m+ or m- or Mr buttons. Other than that it's perfect.... Well it did say I was fat...the git
Ron Eschete Jr.
What good is copy if you can't paste? Also, it doesn't let you just simply copy what you calculated. Instead, it adds a bunch superfluous text that slows down your original cause. The reason I downloaded such an app was so I wouldn't have to do so many things manually and waste more time on a task.
Oleg Korzhukov
Full screen ads in a calculator. Seriously?
Scott Lee
Nice app. But after you hit equal sign, you have to hit AC before entering anything else. If you enter a number after equal without ac, it just adds the numbers to the end of the answer. Exp. 120รท10 = 12 Start another computation starting, without AC, of 55ร—2 you get 1255ร—2 If you fail to AC, you will get very messed up results
Magnus Eriksson
Told me I was overweight with a BMI of 23.7 uninstalling... Hehe, seriously seems to be a nice calculator which could be even further developed. Also disliked the commercial bar in bottom of the screen.
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