Survival: Dinosaur Island

Survive on the island of dinosaurs.

Total ratings

3.46 (Rating count: 5,050)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and enjoyable gameplay
  • Offline capability
  • Good dinosaur survival concept
  • High potential for future updates
  • Too many ads
  • Game saving requires watching ads
  • Gameplay balance issues (constant eating and drinking)
  • Graphics need improvement
Most mentioned
  • Ads
  • Gameplay balance and mechanics
  • Need for saving game without ads
  • Desire for additional features (taming dinosaurs, crafting items)
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.80
All time rating average: 3.46
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Date Author Rating Comment
Gayan Darshana
good game to play its fun and offline if you love island survival this is the best game
S.N Rosy
I liked it beacuse i use technique so when my food and water bar gets very low i didn't pay attention when it's very very low i rush beacuse the character run much speed than other time and i drink and eat food . Food and water not get low very easily it's low very slowly slowly which make me to build non stop ( in my mobile only IT'S happens) πŸ‘it's my real technique
Richard Mwaura
Its a very nice game and i wish u could have put a high graphics settings
marwa bellakhal
This is an impossible game designed to make you watch ads ^_^
Shankar Dayal Sharma
This game is awesome πŸ‘ but because of too much ads I am rating it 4 stars only
Damanbha shylla Shylla
So boring do never play this game i only play it for hour so please update it with the hp,food,water,hunting, running, also make it a tpp type
Baishakhi Pal
This game is nice but there should be feature of taming dinosaur and niceland to make house .
Wisest Smartest
I ate a whole dinosaur and it didn't even feed me halfway. The gameplay is horrible. I'm just eating and drinking constantly on the game. It's just annoying eating and drinking every minute. If you changed the game name to eating and drinking it would match the actual gameplay. Has anyone tested this game? It's so sloppy and unbalanced.
Amy Diaz
I love the game but the ADS are way out of hand!! Please fix
Bhone Khant
it would be cool if there is no too much ads . i mean you can still add ads but not that much . and ther ads are just black and when ther ad appear i have to restart the game again. pls fix the ads or lower the ads
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