
Make calls with your business phone number on your smartphone, simple and easy.

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4.20 (Rating count: 156)
See reviews for Vialer on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.38
All time rating average: 4.20

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Date Author Rating Comment
Op vakantie in China en moest een belangrijk telefoontje plegen. Super blij dat ik gewoon de vialer app kon gebruiken en met een Nederlandse nummer kon bellen. Gesprekskwaliteit is zelfs in China top!
Crashes all the time, instable app with developers unwilling to fix all of the bugs I'm experiencing.
Too many updates and connection trouble. Want to call, a new update is there, sometimes multiple times a week. Have had multiple connection problems, missed calls that did not show, and so on. Would love a stable version that is well tested.
Not bad!
Thabo Mashiloane
Works wonderful on Android but horrible on iOS. It is not the app developers fault but for those who use iOS devices especially the iPhone X like me then you will definitively have problems. This is a very good app and I have never had problems since I installed it on my Android device so I carry 2 phones now.
A Google user
App keeps getting better and better. Version 5.5 is snappier and just feels faster. Audio quality on 4g is great. Like being in the office. Keep up the good work.
A Google user
Sinds de update start de app niet meer op. Getest op meerdere verschillende telefoons en meerdere android versies waaronder de nieuwste. Wat een onzin.
A Google user
Great support. Complained about a bug around the contact lists. Within two week they fixed it. Installed the update. From one star to 5. Very handy UI.