Voice Recorder

Voice Recorder & Voice memo, easily record audio and sound with high quality

Total ratings

4.03 (Rating count: 382)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Clear sound quality
  • Easy to use
  • High-quality recordings
  • Useful for specific tasks (e.g. for YouTubers)
  • Good overall experience for some users
  • Too many ads
  • Limited free recordings before needing to watch ads
  • Some users find it pointless compared to built-in apps
  • Issues with functionality (e.g. does not work, cannot record internal audio)
Most mentioned
  • Ads disrupt the recording experience
  • Limited functionality without payment
  • Clean sound quality is appreciated by some users
  • General dissatisfaction with excessive ads and limitations
See reviews for Voice Recorder on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 4.03
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Rating filters

5 star
48% (10)
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24% (5)
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1 star
29% (6)
Date Author Rating Comment
Mjasiriamali Bora
Naitwa mr goody tz kutoka kibiti pwani kwa upande wangu mimi app hii ni mzuri sana
N'Таnyа Раgаn (Executive Director)
It only lets you have a few free recordings. After they're used up you have to watch ads to record, which could make you miss an important instance because it takes up 30 precious seconds of your time! By the time you get back to it, the moment may be over! I don't like that especially because you have to watch ads at other times too and you don't get anything for it! Not cool! There are other apps that are free. Other than that, it's not too bad. Clean sound. Easy to use.
Solomon Appiah
Very good app! How I wish it becomes free to activate all features. Clear sound recording
Jah'Quan Edwards
Rehana Shaikh
It's so useless app . It's just a normal voice recorder which is already in your phone's app . It waste my time too
milind mandle
Very Bad 😞😞😞😞 Application.
Dhaval Pawar
it is a very nice and good app it's voice qualities also good and it is easy to use and I like this app too much I am now you to find recordings and make recordings ☺️🥰☺️☺️⭐✌️
Very bad experience so many ads
Chuba Moa
Your ads has an app in it.
Raheem Kasaragod
😏😏😏😏😏not happy
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