Vodafone Relate

The VF Relate App uses your Vodafone cloud PBX for business calls and voicemail
See reviews for Vodafone Relate on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: undefined

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Date Author Rating Comment
ManishYadav ManishYadav
Manish Yadav Manish Yadav
Subhash Bavri
सुभाष बावरी
Anop Kumar
Rs 2020Tataranura2020Tay I have to be a little bit of my friends house and I have no c me calling me back in my life is like that and I'm not gonna be a great 🌃 and you know that I was like everyone has their way 🔙 home now I am not sure how much you 😍 it so I have no 💡 where that came out and get a new 📱 🔢 and I'll see you in a bit of a kind heart attack when u come 🔙 and I was going to be a great 🌃 and you know
Arshad Rahim
I need cod