Star Walk 2 Plus: Sky Map View

Astronomy guide. Star gazer app to explore starry night sky. Solar system scope.

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 538,802)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to identify constellations, planets, and other celestial objects
  • Extensive library with a wealth of information about the night sky
  • User-friendly interface with useful features, even on the free version
  • Ability to share experiences and learn with friends and family
  • Frequent issues with location accuracy and compass calibration
  • Excessive ads and notifications, even for paid users
  • User interface lacks intuitive navigation and guidance
  • Technical issues that disrupt user experience, such as the app not holding a proper north orientation
Most mentioned
  • Location accuracy problems
  • Calibration issues with the compass and sky view
  • Ad-related complaints, especially regarding push notifications
  • User interface complexity and lack of guidance
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.59
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Date Author Rating Comment
Corey Bradshaw
The app used to be great, but out of nowhere, it can't even find the sun and i'm constantly having to manually adjust ant it not like a few degrees it's telling me I'm pointed west when I watching the sun rise in the east. Update / Dev response. Ok, so my settings appear correct. My phones built-in compass is giving me the correct direction. The app has full access to my location at all times. Am I supposed to recalibrate every time I open the app?
Michael “BlackBeard”
I paid for the premium to have a lifetime access and all features and addons. Worked nicely for 1 day. Since then it simply refuses to find my actual location. It flips everything 180 degrees. My GPS essentials app works fine. Google Maps works perfectly. Once you pay for the app premium it stops working. I highly recommend anyone and everyone to avoid this app.
Eric Loo
Seems like a fantastic app! I've had a long-standing but somewhat superficial interest in astronomy, the constellations, etc... but not deep enough to buy fancy telescopes or do hardcore astronomy stuff. Besides the Big Dipper and Orion's belt I always had a hard time finding constellations, and forget about anything else in the night sky! This app makes it so easy to identify constellations, planets, comets, and more! I ( and my kids) are very glad that I downloaded it.
Akio Crimson
I'm trying out a handful of similar apps and this has been the best one so far. This does show the comet (C/2023 A3 (Tsuchinshan–ATLAS)) currently passing by very clearly. I was going to give this 4 stars, but then I accidentally stumbled on the feature to show gamma/infrared/etc, which is pretty amazing. Nice movement dampener to reduce sensitivity to shakiness (a different app I tried had the sensitivity too high and I could see my heartbeat lmao). The one time fee for premium is a fair price
Max Thorn
It's either using a location other than where I am or something is off with my phone, because the directions: N,S,E,W aren't pointing the same as my compass. I've never had this problem before so I hope it's just a glitch. Trying to see comet and finally found it about 15 to 20 degrees N of where this was showing. I caught it right before it disappeared behind the treeline. I'll score higher if it straightens out later. Just 2 for now though.
The ads are SO long & annoying - the ad version would get zero stars from me - but the cost for ad-free plus extras or the bundle seems to me reasonable & doable. So now I can rate a paid-for version five-stars, so far. The user interface I'm finding easy. The content educates and entertains me. Hopefully, this will turn out to be a keeper.
Dakota Bigdawg
ive had this app since I was 12 and I've loved it ever since. my favorite thing was when I used to have a telescope and be able to point it to the sky whenever I was informed the planets were aligning or different stars even the ISS was above me. I used to have a lifetime subscription that I payed 5 bucks for but now I can't redeem it probably because I've had the same account for years. definitely worth installing and buying premium even. so many different features and studies to learn from. ty
Evan Pollard
user interface seems complex because it doesn't guide you much but just tapping on the compass gives you live sky view and it's pretty precise based on what I can see with my naked eye. no annoying ad covering the whole top of the screen like the other app that has the telescope for an icon. also some nice details about celestial stuff in the app with links to Wikipedia for even more info. plus it's free. tldr free, ads seem well hidden and great for tracking a favorite star with a friend.
Robert Holmstadt
It's a super moon tonight, but the app puts the moon in a greatly different place in the sky. The app shows that the moon is high in the sky, but actually, it is well below the tree line. Otherwise, the app looks beautiful. It would be wonderful if the stars actually lined up with their actual locations. I do like your platform, and I am greatly looking forward to any improvements.
Saiya Alexander
Please, PLEASE add timestamps to the ISS notifications!! It's only visible for a few minutes at a time and when I see a notification that says "The ISS will be visible in 30 minutes", I often have no idea if it was sent 1 minute ago or 2 hours ago, if I missed the actual notification. This app is still 5 stars, despite that annoyance. Absolutely fantastic, and fully worth the few bucks it costs if you dig astronomy ❤️
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