AR Dino World

Play with dinosaurs in augmented reality everywhere! Jurassic dinos alive!

Total ratings

2.71 (Rating count: 120)

Review summary

    • Black screen upon opening the app
    • Incompatibility with multiple devices
    • App frequently crashes or closes unexpectedly
    • Lack of response from developer regarding issues
    • Failure to save videos and photos
    Most mentioned
    • Black screen issue
    • Does not work on multiple devices
    • App became unusable after making a purchase
    • Request for refunds due to app not functioning
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for AR Dino World on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.20
    All time rating average: 2.71
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    85% (17)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Narvin Teek
    Can only open the app once, will be a black screen after you attempt to use the app again. Entering code for Dino tooth does nothing even with camera permissions set to on. Can't do anything else with the app unfortunately even with a supported device.
    Alana Giles
    Wouldn't work at all on our tablet so used my phone. Set it all up and every time i try to select a dinosaur it comes up loading and then closes itself. Haven't been able to use it once
    Janis LYONS
    Black screen. Tried on 6 different devices from this year's and older. Nothing works and we purchase the entire set.
    Matt Curtis
    Won't work in Austrlaia on IPhone, App downloads and installs on Android but opens to a black screen. Do not buy, a waste of money.
    Kaya Hanson
    Doesn't work black screen only and very disappointed with this purchase. I'm using a Samsung galaxy S21 so it's definitely compatible. Waste of time do not purchase these things.
    Andrew C
    According to the reviews, it should not work, but for my device it does, but not my son's tablet which is newer. However the skin scan function does absolutely nothing.
    Erin Smith
    APP was working fine to start with. Went ahead and purchased the Dino package and now the app has totally unusable, just a black screen! It stole my money and promptly shut down! A complete disappointment, theft at its digital finest!
    rajbir singh
    There is a black screen once opened, and then after a while, my screen shuts off.
    H Cuthbert
    This app wont work. Downloads and then just shows a black screen on opening.
    Claire Walker
    Does not work.. tried on 3 devices now.. black screen does nothing but lock the device 🤷‍♀️ so expensive dinosaur model with none of the actual ar features.
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