Mind Mystery - Magic Tool

Instantly Guess Number in Spectator Mind.Simple tool that can impress Anyone..

Mind Mystery - Magic Tool | Instant Number Guessing

"Mind Mystery - Magic Tool" is a simple yet captivating magic application that enables you to read the number a spectator is thinking of. Designed for both novice and experienced magicians, it allows anyone to perform a mind-reading trick effortlessly. Users simply have to ask a spectator to think of a number between 1 and 100, then utilize the app to confirm their choice through interactive cards. With a reveal that matches the magician's prediction, this app is perfect for entertaining friends and family anytime, anywhere.
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App stats

Downloads: 4,331
Version: 1.6 (Last updated: 2024-09-27)
Version code: 7
Creation date: 2022-02-11
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.INTERNET
Size: 19.23M
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

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User reviews

Think 66 and find out with this and 48. I just naarippoyi with this
by Hamid S, 2024-06-03

Really loved the trick!
by Sathish Venkatrajan, 2023-05-25
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