Timer Plus - Workouts Timer

Workout with Timer Plus

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 42,466)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Large, clear display that is easy to read from a distance
  • Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use
  • No ads or in-app purchases, providing a seamless experience
  • Flexibility in programming different workouts and timers
  • Useful for a variety of workout styles including HIIT, Tabata, and more
  • App stops working or resets when switching between apps, causing frustration
  • Limited customization options for timers and routines
  • Inability to edit and save changes to existing timers
  • Voice prompts for countdown can be distracting and confusing
  • Some users report bugs and reliability issues during workouts
Most mentioned
  • The app's display is highly praised for its visibility and ease of use
  • Issues with app reliability, particularly when multitasking or switching apps
  • Customization limitations for timers and routines
  • Desire for better sound options and the ability to add personal sounds
  • Overall effectiveness for various workout needs despite the cons
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.59
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Date Author Rating Comment
Richard Congdon
Large display, able to mute sounds. I use as a stopwatch to time songs against backing music when singing, can put on floor out of site of audience. Great app.
Kewkew Chan
my favorite app for workout! had it for many years now and I'm not open to change it ever πŸ™ŒπŸ»
MarΓ­a Fernanda Jasso Carrasco
I've used it on MANY devices already and I simply love it. It's simple, easy to use, goes to the point and it's perfect for my jumping workouts and avoids having to reach the phone each time you finish a set. I just love it.
Atanas Christev
Very useful, but the interface is bizarre, e.g. for creating and editing new routines. And what's with the "tabata" constantly at the top of the screen?
Tanya Drummond
excellent way to do exercise every day of the week with using timer plus would definitely recommend to anyone thanks have a great day πŸ™‚
Fiztwilliam Ndasi
The Essential part of my gym and fitness life. Love it too much. 🀞🏿
Dick Neathamer
will not run in the background even if you allow it. if you move between apps it will stop working which is unfortunate.
Wroger Wroger
It's not a bad application' but I can't make up a simple 15 minute repeating timer with X cycles - because there are only a few timers, and they cannot be modified, deleted, or ones own configuration be set as the default. It also has a fat slice of on selling other work out apps and programs. Smart marketing - but the product lock in - Mehhh - not for me. Also uninstalled and keeps trying to get permission to turn on Bluetooth. Not good.
Ludovic Capelli
A simple no ad / no in-app purchase timer that does the job beautifully: a timer-round-cycle structure in a clean and light interface, straight to the point. Got my routine set up and saved in a handful of seconds. Love it.
Blake Bernades
Simple and effective. Cutting the fat off me and my workout time. Neon green and black is my favorite color combo.
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