Heroes of Eden: Tower Defense

Master Strategy, Defend Towers, and Conquer in Heroes Eden! Join the Battle Now

Total ratings

3.57 (Rating count: 79)
See reviews for Heroes of Eden: Tower Defense on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.90
All time rating average: 3.57

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Date Author Rating Comment
puynt goo
venkatesh venkat@551992.com
Game is super but heavy Ad
benjamin jones
Really like the game, but there should not be an ad after every battle..
Rex Kelly
So far I'm excited about this game, except I think all the ads in every screen just about is causing it to crash constantly. Great game just a. Few bugs
Harsh Rojra
Too many ads and can't even get my rewards after watching ads
Drake Dragon
Very hard to see which troops are on the board. Sometimes the words are fuzzy (hero selection to deck, loading, tap to close etc). Hero icon doesn't go away unless you go back into heroes and back out. Sometimes 2 or 3 times going into heroes. Actually don't like the choose which hero goes onto board. Cost gets too high very quickly and the kill reward is only 5 per kill so lots of "dying"
Cutler Bernard
Just a poorly made game. Half screen size ads run constantly. Time I'll never get back. Thanks
Mathieu Smith
Pretty good
Joe McGowan
Garbage! Only opponent is ai player named "coach". Spent 500 gems on legend chest DID NOT get a legend hero! You will NEVER get past wave 36 in co op. Too many ads.
Tuan Nguyen Ngoc
Nice game