Unit Converter

Unit and Currency Converter with built-in Calculator

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 1,216)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Free to use with no ads
  • Fast and intuitive design
  • Clean, user-friendly interface
  • Wide variety of conversions available
  • Responsive developer support for feature requests
  • Bookmarks are not functional or intuitive
  • Some conversions result in decimal output instead of fractions when cooking measurements are involved
  • Search functionality is limited or ineffective for certain units
  • Default units lean towards American measurements over metric
  • Navigational workflow can be counter-intuitive
Most mentioned
  • Need for cooking measurement conversions
  • Request for better bookmark functionality
  • Desire for advanced features like history and custom favorites
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Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.50
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Date Author Rating Comment
Tai Graham
This is a free app. To that end, it works pretty well. Adding cooking measurements might be helpful. Unless I'm using it all of the time, I find the workflow a little counter-intuitive. Otherwise, it's my go-to when I need to convert something.
Justin Sully
This is the most intuitive of the unit converter apps. I would pay for premium with one addition: 1) It should be possible to add specific conversions to the main/landing page. Basically move bookmarks to appear as the top category of icons on the landing page. Other features I'd like: home screen widget, easy access history of recent conversions, smart(er) decimal to fraction convertion. I use unit conversion every day, so I'll keep watching development. Thanks!
Nope. Another damn American one. Not necessarily polite I know but of the measuring systems in the world the most common is metric. Yet most of these apps default to the system used by less than five (5) countries. In this case there are even two types of Imperial measurements. Both the original, and the one that seems most afraid of modernisation. Most disappointing. It is easy to switch between the available options if that is what you want and there are ever so many things to choose from.
Fear Festus
Tbh, this app is my party trick. Like I can't explain how cool I find this app to be. The speed of the conversation, the slick layout, the library of units, this is just peak. No more words needed
Eric Devaughn
No problems with this app. It can calculate most everything. You can use American measurement standards or European/World standards of measure. Clear. Easy. No learning curve for this. It's very straight forward obvious. I have fun use with it. Now I know what time it is when I try to call my friends in France. I do my BMI on this also
Mauricio Julian Martinez
Cool. It's nice. Even though, some things are quite unintuitive. For example calculator deletes the tabs from the bottom and I have to click a back arrow which is at the top, makes no sense. Also it took me like 5 minutes to realize how to add a favorite. It would be nice if I could give custom name to my favorites too. I don't understand why tools are tools and the others aren't, lol. Finally It would be cool if I could choose which converters I can see in my Home tab and give them custom order
Tony Storcke
There needs to be a function that converts pounds and ounces to something else. Such as 5 pounds 3 ounces to decimal pounds. Also one that could convert 6ft2 inches to something else or even just decimal inches.
Steve Tyler
It's a better than most, but the save (bookmark) function doesn't work. Once you save a favorite you can't access it, the only thing you can do is delete it. (update fixed this issue). Could I suggest you add KILOMETERS PER GALLON as well as MILES PER LITER for foreign location use.
Dennis C
Great app! conversations are on point and does everything you can think of and some I never knew of and even the trial version does what I need. But if you are a person who needs more for work or something specialized for your job I would definitely say it is worth it! Plus the adds aren't in your face like games scroll down the bottom! I would give apps like this 10 stars if I could! A lot of developers can take a page out of their book 4real!πŸ’―πŸ«‘πŸ€πŸ₯ΉπŸ€―🫢🏻
Jay Hennes
Clean, lightweight app with lots of features. The addition of a built in calculator is nice, but there does not seem to be an easy way to transfer a converted number to the calculator, which half defeats the purpose.
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