VectorVest Stock Advisory

Analyze Any Stock, Anytime, Anywhere.

Total ratings

4.31 (Rating count: 2,569)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use interface for tracking stocks and building watchlists.
  • Provides valuable investment suggestions and timely entry/exit points.
  • Integrates both fundamental and technical analysis for stock evaluation.
  • App is continuously improving and regularly updated.
  • Good for both new and seasoned investors.
  • Customer service is unresponsive and difficult to reach.
  • Subscription cancellation process is complicated and not user-friendly.
  • Frequent app crashes and interface issues reported.
  • A lot of features are locked behind a paywall, making it confusing for new users.
  • Inaccurate billing and subscription downgrades occurred.
Most mentioned
  • Issues with customer service and support.
  • Subscription cancellation difficulties.
  • Problems with app performance and stability.
  • Value in investment recommendations but mixed effectiveness.
  • Locking features behind a paid subscription.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 4.31
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38% (8)
Date Author Rating Comment
Kurt White
Great app to help track stocks and gives price points to buy. I've used this app for 5+ years, always loved their information and buy signals. Definitely worth the 2 week free trial!
Colin Girard
I ❤️ VectorVest and would love it if the app charts showed the %age change for the time scale chosen.(like yahoo finance charts.) I.e. it shows the % change for the day, even if I select week, month, etc.
Anurag Arora
The app is failing to open stock news due to json parsing exception since the past couple of weeks. I opened a ticket with the team about a week back. Customer representative says it can take a while to get a fix. I am a paying subscriber and the app is broken but I see no urgency from the team to fix it. I do see value in their proprietary ratings system, suggestions and stock pick ideas but the app interface is broken, legacy and out of date forcing me to end my subscription.
Had an active annual premium subscription paid for the next year. The app logged me off so I logged in then I noticed that the app down graded my premium subscription back to a free subscription even though I had an active premium subscription that was paid in advance for the full year. I called VectorVest Customer Service and was told basically sorry nothing they can do since you went through the playstore and its a third party. Horrible company and app.
Have not used the mobile app for some time. Looked at it in Playstore. No price shown. Said free trial. Installed and attempted to use it. Pretty well every feature locked. Paid subscription. Attempt to use. Everything still locked. Contacted support. Told to use menu bottom right to change USA to Canada. EVERYTHING IS LOCKED! No further response from support. Received refund.
M Smith
I've been using this app for several months now. Easy to use and build a watchlist, or you can use the software for new ideas. You can see a snap shot of current fundamentals of a company, and see if it's under our overvalued, or dig deeper and read a custom detailed report. They also give you timing entry and exit points if you want a more short term viewpoint. I highly recommend this app to new or seasoned stock investors based on my own personal experience.
David S
Overall good for ideas. I find that the premium watch lists don't necessarily focus on quality equities, rather on momentum. Unfortunately, after the particular equities on on the rise or fall, the recommendations they offer are behind the ball and the major gains are gone. The learning principles they offer are excellent. The stop limit recommendations are too loose if you want to hold your gains. Great app for those who are ultra conservative with a small portfolio.
Get the best of both Fundamentals and Technicals combined. Vector Vest is Momentum Base. If you understand simple technical analysis support and resistance you can make this app work wonders for you! 5***** on that note. That's the good part of the app! Now the bad part, You're not able to flip through stock graphs. Flipping back and forth from stock graphs to stock details is a BIG WASTE OF TIME!! "Please fix this issue we would like to flip through stock graphs." Also fix app from crashing
John Davis
What a scam the subscription is. Quick to take your $19.99 every month, but when you want to cancel, you can't get ahold of them. They never return your phone calls.. First of all this is just basic technical analysis with no thought at all. It's so simple a twelve-year-old can do it. Technical analysis software is in almost every single Financial program. You can get better technical analysis than this on YouTube. Free!
Jim Doyle
Been using the app for a couple of weeks now. I signed up for vectorvest trial, longtime IBD subscriber. The mobile app is awesome and I highly recommend it. VectorVest is continuing to make improvements to the app. So I'm very happy to see that. I'm able to find really good stock ideas and stay on top of the market very quickly. The app works really well and is easy to use. I signed up for the premium membership.
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