UserZoom Surveys

UserZoom Survey Tool allows you to run UserZoom Mobile Surveys.

Total ratings

2.24 (Rating count: 1,537)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • App works well for some users when installed and used correctly.
  • Users appreciate the availability of surveys and the potential for earning rewards.
  • Some users have positively compared the app to others, noting its effectiveness for certain surveys.
  • Many users experience crashes or app errors during surveys, leading to incomplete submissions.
  • The app often requires multiple updates, and users report issues with app compatibility after Android updates.
  • Users report long wait times for payment after completing surveys, which can lead to frustration.
Most mentioned
  • Incompatibility issues with newer Android versions leading to app failures.
  • Frequent crashes during surveys causing loss of progress and rewards.
  • Long wait times for payments after completing surveys.
See reviews for UserZoom Surveys on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 2.24
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Rating filters

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9% (2)
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4% (1)
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13% (3)
1 star
65% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
Thomas Agabides
Worked great for me. I installed for the survey, completed it and uninstalled after. Received payment from my survey sooner immediately. I know this may not be everyone's experience but when you leave a review, don't simply say "survey didn't work" or "I didn't get paid", I looked at the reviews to see if it was safe to use as I'm sure most others did as well. "Didn't work for me" is no help. Now saying "I was scammed and my info stolen" warrants a 1 star not it 'it didn't work for me".
Torrey Holman
Update: Surveys are readily available. But now it's lower pay and longer wait to be paid, which is really, really not cool. I don't get nearly enough surveys here, but the app is wonderful. I'd rate it 5 starts if I got more surveys.
Sandra Bogdanovic
Never works. This is the 4th survey I can't complete because it keeps telling me to update the app. I delete the app every time and then install as per the survey studys instructions, only to keep getting the message, to update the app. All I see are complaints stating the same thing. This doesn't work.
Best survey provider out there. Keep working with swagbucks/prodege Very good rewards and fun surveys help survey takers give their best effort. I completed the survey too fast? Was 20 minutes for a survey that said 15 minutes too fast? 20 minutes for $1 paid by billion dollar corporation Bank of America is fast?
Rad Rude
I've used this app in the past and it worked fine. This version does not work. It just sends me to the internet and will not even open any sort of window in or out of app. I frequently do studies for this company online on my home computer and don't usually have any problems. They usually pay within the time specified. In the past I have used previous versions of this app on my phone. Some of the versions have worked. I always uninstall after using and reinstall the app when needed.
Shadrack Ufumaka
I like the idea that there's a dedicated app for zoom surveys, waiting to do much surveys to attest
Soyinka Jesujuwonlo
After allowing microphone access, it doesn't recognize microphone. Can't use the app
Mabel Zhang
I put the phone down for 10 minutes and the survey couldn't resume. It just had the spinning wheel. I restarted my phone, retry from the survey conductor's link, and always eventually ended up back at the spinning wheel. This is a waste of time because I already spent time during the first half of the survey. I have to uninstall the app and won't be able to finish the survey. Update: Turns out you have to wait a very long time for the wheel. I waited for minutes. Was able to finish the survey.
C. Barrett
I got invited to a study and the screen keeps turning white and stops loading. I tried Firefox and chrome. Same issue. I've been at this for an hour. I have Android 11. I looked through reviews and a lot of people are having this or similar issue with not being able to take tests in the last few days. Sound spike an update gone wrong. But instead of fixing the issue they just say they don't know what the exact issue is to all the bad reviews rather then fix it. Looks like an automated message.
Monica Rincon
Once again, I'm no longer able to do mobile tests because of the app's fault. I don't have any kind of ad blockers or firewall or VPN enabled, I've tried both my home wi-fi and my mobile data, no dice; it's the app. The message that briefly pops up before the endless loading screen reads, "Not supported Android API level 33." I recently updated my phone OS to Android version 13, so the app is simply not compatible with it. How can an app team not be on top of Android OS updates is befuddling.
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