Upay - Payments & Loyalty

Pay for your purchases, accumulate loyalty, see promotions & more via Upay

Total ratings

4.40 (Rating count: 294)

Review summary

    • App frequently crashes or fails to work as expected.
    • Difficulties with login and account management.
    • Top-up features often fail or are buggy.
    • Customer support is unresponsive.
    • User experience is frustrating and unnecessarily complicated.
    Most mentioned
    • Cannot log in or use the app.
    • Issues with topping up accounts.
    • Unresolved bugs and technical problems.
    • Problems with account management and card registration.
    • Frustration with customer service and lack of support.
    These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    See reviews for Upay - Payments & Loyalty on Google Play Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.10
    All time rating average: 4.40
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    86% (18)
    Date Author Rating Comment
    Sorin Vladu
    App not working for a while now, can't log in or top up or do anything, none of us can get food at work, rubbish...
    Pliss add reload/topup to make transfer from bank it will be easier
    Rob Free
    Doesn't work. Registered with my Uni and when logging in it just says your session has expired. I really cannot bother to contact support if the most basic feature that is registration and login fails. Waste of time.
    Alden Loo
    This app is useless. There auto top up feature which you have no access to it. Not able to top up remotely. What's the point of having this app in the first place. Just check balance??? Funny
    Pitiflauticus Yomismo
    I can only top up my workplace card with this terrible app or cash. every six months or so I install this app, get frustrated, and uninstall it. topping app doesn't work. syncing the Google pay card doesn't work. contacting their customer service doesn't help. I don't get why, after years of being available, this thing is still active in the play store
    Cóemgein Craobhach
    Do some bug checking, this app is a disaster. Go through the setup and top up process and make notes of all the nonsense things that happen.
    Pizpot Gargravarr
    Garbage. You'd think any app that had so many bad reviews for so long would be better avoided & left to die a lonely death but this is kept alive by shady deals between businesses who force us to use it just to pay for our meals while on their premises. Be careful if you get the "Oh no, you are running an old version" - do NOT click on "ok" and provide your Google password as this app can read it. Manually launch Google Play store and update it from there. They appear the same but are different!
    Vincent Lee
    Avoid! As of August 2022. Cannot add a card in Account Management. Local canteen in work have moved away from this app for their own Aramark app. Was OK when it worked. But now I am a tenner out of pocket.
    Words can't describe how difficult (unnecessarily difficult mind you) it is to use this app. The amounts of times I've just wanted to put money on my account to not starve for the day, but the app just doesn't work. First of all, I liked the old system where it remembered the card after the first time you put money in. Second of all, a thing I hate is the new system where me and my mum took about 30 minutes just to set up a credit/debit card. Third of all, now I have to confirm with Barclays.
    Karsten Moerman
    Just yesterday upay decided it would be a good idea to clear all my payment card details and require me to add them back. Unfortunately the card adding feature is bugged so it just hangs on the email verification step. The result being I can't top up my account or use upay at all now. Absolutely useless. Edit: it's been a month now and still nothing has been done to fix the issue I have described here. Second edit: new problem, money I pay into the app does not appear in my wallet.
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