HROne - HR & Payroll Software

Now perform day to day HR transactions on your mobile.

Total ratings

2.00 (Rating count: 2,491)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • User-friendly interface and great experience for HR admins
  • Helps in managing HR operations efficiently
  • Allows easy leave requests and attendance tracking
  • Provides access to important information like salary and anniversaries
  • Lightweight and responsive design
  • Frequent login/logout issues and glitches
  • Problems with location tracking and attendance marking
  • Password reset issues and inability to receive reset emails
  • Lack of clear error messages for leave applications
  • Connectivity issues after updates
Most mentioned
  • Login issues and app crashing
  • Location tracking problems
  • Password reset problems
  • Overall user experience varies widely
  • Great features but suffers from technical issues
See reviews for HROne - HR & Payroll Software on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.10
All time rating average: 2.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
Pooja Saklani
Pls update i have changed my registered mail id and i reset psword app saying pswrd send to registered mail id ..but it is not coming in my new mail id so i am unable to open hrone ..pls uodate wht to do?
Amar Tike
Worst & irritating experience everyday. It throws out several times after clicking the pic for uploading. Everyday wasting 10 minutes to mark attendance.
Naresh Kagupati
Wonderful HRIS application that eases HR operations for any organization in a more significant and effective way. All the modules are well defined, easy to use and follow. Thanks HROne team! You are just awesome.
Parveen Kumar
App doesn't work properly. After forget to pasward msg is not deliver in register mobile. I AM NOT SATISFIED WITH THE APP. SO PLEASE REMOVE THE APP FROM PLAY STORE. THIS IS TOTAL WASTE OF TIME. Thank
Neeraj Sharma
Please fix the issue - after clicking picture app asking for login again.. It should be before not after completing the whole process. 2- open remember login ID and password.. Everytime we need to type again and again,
Akshat Sinha
User experience is great! It makes hr admin work fun to do!! With a proper implementation, HROne makes the tasks really easy, you can definitely forget about spreadsheets.
Her Story
I think its a really aesthetic platform and It contains of every information I need for my work. I really like seeing badges, anniversaries and birthdays on the frontpage, and its really easy to request leaves that too on the go. Thumbs up!
Ashu Kashyap
I have been associaled with HROne for about few months now. My employees really like the app because HROne has has made managing requests easy. Team HROne have explained the features very well and it is proved to be very beneficial! I put up first job opening and hired my first employee through HROne this week. I love how easy it has made the entire process!
Ayusha Ayusha
The web portal makes it very simple to see how many days off you have taken and request leaves from the same portal. Leaves can also be cancelled from the system as well as from the mobile app and the days will be refunded back to the balance.
Ankit Piplani
This is possibly the worst app that I have encountered on the play store , it glitches minimum twice a week. Doesn't record data correctly at times and sometimes forgoes the entire premise. I would recommend if you are using this app for HR and Payroll due to Covid , risk getting Covid and go to login at your office.
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