Circuit Route Planner

Optimize your route. Finish work faster and get home earlier.

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 160,300)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Integrates well with Google Maps for navigation
  • Customizable for specific needs like right/left-hand delivery
  • Responsive support team and good customer service
  • Helpful for planning and optimizing delivery routes
  • Works well in challenging conditions like bad weather
  • Inconsistent route optimization leading to backtracking
  • Missing features like drag-and-drop for stops and manual route setting
  • Frequent bugs and freezing issues
  • Removed useful features in recent updates
  • High subscription cost with limited functionality
Most mentioned
  • Inconsistent route optimization
  • Need for manual route adjustments or editing stops
  • Frequent app freezes and bugs
  • Desire for a drag-and-drop feature for stops
  • Disappointment over missing restart route functionality
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.57
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Date Author Rating Comment
Raymond Dergan
I've used this app for about 16 months now. It helps quite a bit, although sometimes, when optimizing, it doesn't seem to have arranged my stops in an efficient manner. For the most part, they are. But a drag and drop feature or to manually number/arrange the stops or more than just "first/auto/last" would be fantastic. Refining stops doesn't seem to help much either.
Dakota Yakes
Used to be great. Some features won't work. I changed from standard to lite and they made my account lite right away, even though I had about 20 days of standard left. The in app map says it's based off of Google maps but it's even worse than it, and they removed the ability to avoid highways.
selma finney
Great app, but it needs to show the number of parcels when the address pops up for you to deliver it should also show the number of packages. You should also be able to select both delivery & pickup at the same time. Would also be nice to review the route from a computer and not just a cellphone.
Daisee Schmidt
App is great for planning stops and even specifying what side of the car to exit. However, the optimization of the routes is what's annoying. I have no choice but to optimize, which ruins the route I built. I should also have the option to set the stops in the order I want, but no matter which settings I apply, it jumbles my route.
Matt C.
Best thing since sliced bread! Please don't change a thing unless you know it won't negatively effect what you already have. Wish list: I'd like go be able to reverse the route, our routes are pre optimized but due to time windows we are sometimes have to skip and often it flips to the end of the route then I have to keep scrolling down to choose my next stop. Thanks.
Akenat Alien
The app works well but it's useless when you put in pickup orders at a specific time and it doesn't optimize routes that well (in my opinion) instead of taking me through shorter cuts the app had me driving far between stops. It will have to do for now. Great thing about it is that it worked for me in bad weather and bad service area.
Skip K
Plain awesome. Only issue I have with it, is it'll drive you right by a house, only to come back 5 - 10 stops later to deliver it but have to cross a busy street to do so. I tried setting it to right hand or left hand side, but then on one way streets it freaks out. If there is a selection to prefer left or right side. That would be awesome.
Hannah Richardson
Worked really well in a pinch. If you want to add more then 10 locations, you need to pay for a subscription (free trail is available and easy to cancel). Automatically puts the locations in order into Google maps. If you accidentally misclick on the app, it can be difficult to undo your mistake (marking the wrong house a complete). There is some back and forth on the automatic route, and can only resort them so many times and be hard to find your place when restarting your route.
a alejandra
Life saver for any swing or cover driver, or just anyone that doesn't have a set route every day. Support is responsive, Google maps integration is amazing, and customization is incredibly helpful. There are ways to manipulate the stops into order even if there isn't direct stop order editing. Much better than other route optimization apps I've tried!
Jonesy Gaming
Pretty disappointing that I can't hit restart route anymore after the last update! Got rid of that feature and now I have to manually reset the route every day! Update: Still, after two months, we still can't use restart route as an option. If this doesn't get fixed I'll be looking at alternative options. Ridiculous that the app was permanently downgraded!!! Update: Now I can have 52x5 (260) routes cluttering up my routes tab every year. Sweet! I need to be able to look at old routes.
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