Unalengua IPA Translator

Modern IPA Transcriber with read aloud capabilities and great UX.

Unalengua IPA Translator - Modern Phonetic Transcriber

"Unalengua IPA Translator" is a modern phonetic (IPA) transcriber that enhances language learning with features like read aloud capabilities, a minimalistic UI, dark mode, and multilingual support. It transforms the challenging experience of learning IPA into an engaging and addictive journey, making it easier to comprehend phonetic symbols. Ideal for students, teachers, and language enthusiasts, it offers conversions for multiple languages, including English, Spanish, Portuguese, and more.
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App stats

By: Unalengua
Downloads: 37,489
Version: 5 (Last updated: 2023-09-15)
Version code: 5
Creation date: 2021-01-28
  • android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS
Size: 449.02K
Full description: See detailed description


Other platforms

Unalengua IPA Translator (v1.1.0)
1,000 4.75 (8)
Not available on Firefox
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User reviews

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Helps with pronunciation of words and phrases
  • Supports multiple accents (US, UK, Australian, Indian)
  • Useful tool for language learners and ESL teachers
  • Interactive and user-friendly design
  • Excellent developer responsiveness
  • Terrible read aloud voice
  • Visual glitches with long text
  • No support for translating from IPA to text
  • Need for more language support (e.g. Catalan, Greek)
  • Errors in IPA transcription for certain languages
Most mentioned
  • Request for additional languages and accents
  • Desire for direct IPA input and functions
  • Visual and audio issues with the app
  • Overall usefulness for language learning
  • Solid core function with some usability improvements needed
User reviews
Not working properly
by Izzy Bear, 2023-11-10

This application is incredible, it helps me a lot with the pronunciation of words and with the help of the international phonetic alphabet I can identify the sounds more easily and not only can I translate words I can also translate phrases, I love it and I use it a lot for my English learning
by Unknown Profile, 2023-09-24
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