UP Transform

Transforming health & fitness

UP Transform - Your Personal Diet Planner

"UP Transform" is a comprehensive Android app designed to help users lose weight and improve their health through customized diet plans, calorie counters, and meal planners. Developed by Ultimate Performance, it offers tailored meal plans, a wide variety of recipes, and tools to track progress, ensuring you stay accountable and motivated on your transformation journey.
Install from Google Play Store

App stats

Downloads: 6,320
Version: 1.9.18 (Last updated: 2025-02-26)
Version code: 109018000
Creation date: 2020-08-05
  • android.permission.ACCESS_ADSERVICES_AD_ID
  • android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
  • android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
  • android.permission.BLUETOOTH_CONNECT
  • android.permission.CAMERA
  • android.permission.DETECT_SCREEN_CAPTURE
  • android.permission.DISABLE_KEYGUARD
  • android.permission.FLASHLIGHT
  • android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE
  • See more
Size: 65.26M
Full description: See detailed description

Other platforms

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Not available on Edge

User reviews

I keep switching to a page to report bugs accidentally, however when I look for the same page I can't find a direct link anywhere. Likewise with support I can't find a 'Help', 'Support' or 'Contact' link. Is this really the only way to contact you? I'm having an issue creating foods in app, they also keep getting deleted and replaced with some that other people have created which have the incorrect nutritional values. Would really appreciate help doing this and preventing deletion.
by Empire Business, 2025-01-03

Ultimate Performance is great. This app has good features, but unfortunately it's so slow and buggy as to be basically unusable. I've filed multiple bug reports and nothing has been responded to. E.g. The "Recent" tab and the "Lean protein" "Fat" etc tabs don't load at all. Weight sometimes doesn't show up in the Progress tab or for my trainer. Many simple actions take seconds to respond. Considering the premium price point of UP, this aspect of the UP experience is a huge disappointment.
by Alex Donaldson, 2024-10-04
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