TwoPlayer 3.0 (Trial Version)

Play to, play from, download from Chromecast/DLNA/UPNP/SMB Devices.

Total ratings

4.10 (Rating count: 2,259)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simplicity of navigation and ease of setting favorites.
  • Works well with DLNA devices and allows streaming from NAS.
  • Ability to create playlists and queues from various media sources.
  • Fast performance and user-friendly interface.
  • Issues with playback of .m4a files and unexpected errors.
  • Trial version limitations and lack of full functionality upon purchase.
  • Frequent loss of network device connection and slow device discovery.
  • Scrolling issues when navigating folders.
Most mentioned
  • Streaming music from NAS to devices.
  • Playback issues with certain file formats.
  • Navigation challenges and usability problems.
See reviews for TwoPlayer 3.0 (Trial Version) on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 4.10
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20% (4)
Date Author Rating Comment
Steven B
GARBAGE: UNUSABLE trial expires before launching 1 time.
john gana
Please, you need to add folder option for local video and audio files for easy location. Thank you.
Was hoping for good things but kept getting "null response" when casting tracks to devices that otherwise work with other remotes
- Mars
Love the simplicity of the navigation and the ability to set favourites so easily. Works perfectly with Qnap/twonky
Alan Perez
Works better than anything else ive tried.
Doesn't play .m4a files over upnp.
Ian Weeks
Great App for accessing our home NAS and playing mp3 over Bluetooth. Really happy.
This is just as good as the 2.0 version!!! I haven't explored much of this version yet, but it looks like it has some more goodies. I had this program for years and I'm glad it hasn't gone away or been "too old" to use on newer phones. Keep up the great work and thank you for making music easy to navigate, fun to use, and all around user friendly!!!
Mike Bradley
Does it well
A Google user
(This is now Abandonware) When viewing NAS directories & change screen orientation, directory scrolls back 2 top. Also happens randomly when hitting back button. Also very cumbersome 2 get 2 track slider & control buttons as well as track listing. Loses network device connection 2 often (no longer worth using because of this). Takes 2 long 2 find network devices every time it's launched. Purchased but still shows trial ver? Am I getting full functionality? Also consistently crashes.
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