Turbo Browser - Fast & Secure

Turbo Browser is a Simple, Fast, Powerful and Secure Internet Browser.

Total ratings

3.92 (Rating count: 780)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fast browsing speed
  • Lightweight application
  • Clean user interface
  • Good for streaming videos
  • Lack of basic features like tabs and dark mode
  • No privacy settings
  • Frequent crashes or automatic closure
  • Poor handling of images and links
Most mentioned
  • Need for dark mode
  • Lack of tabs and additional features
  • Speed and performance issues
  • Poor user experience with crashes
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.70
All time rating average: 3.92
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Date Author Rating Comment
batang90s anime
WORSE APP.. it should be SLOWrmo not turbo.. always buffering can't even play 1 decent video.. even though I have a very strong Wifi connections..🤬🤬🤬
Jessica S. (darkocean)
Severly lacking in basic privacy settings.
Somuj Ali
Yep another application that is useful to use just download this great super fast browser nd enjoy to the fullest guy's thanks. ..
Very poor not opening browser automatically closed this application. Please update previous version
Bad slow and it is using duck duck go software that another app spent time making and this one ripped it off and coppied it
Cyber 47
-add dark mode -add tabs -change name of the browser cuz its looks amateur also the icon -cant save photos from google Except that everything is perfect tbh Also guys its not safe cuz the source code is already shared
Tarik Davinci
This is truely stupid. No option to open link in new tabs. No save page option. No font size adjustment....etc
Juan Sorto
Personal experience with this browser, so far check out. The app does what it says it will do, as far as running at a faster and more optimized speed, it definitely does. Streamed some videos on YouTube and was very pleased with how quickly it began playing. It is a bit different than Googles regular browser and it takes a little getting used to if you've been using the Chrome or any Google browser, layout is slightly different but definitely runs faster.
AaronDaOne IL
DARK MODE PLEASE!!! MY EYES HURT!!! Seriously though, I really like the UI nice and clean, but please add dark mode.
Puspita Samal
Great app. It's much speed browser. The only thing it needs is that to provide multiple tab system.
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