Alien Attack Space Shooter

the space shooter game to save the galaxy from alien swarm attack

Total ratings

3.86 (Rating count: 55)
See reviews for Alien Attack Space Shooter on Google Play Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.75
All time rating average: 3.86

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Date Author Rating Comment
Papuna Dae
A Google user
A good one
A Google user
too many defects, this game kept freezing up my space ship causing it to not move, level 6 was the worst, attacks against the major ships keeps moving in slow motion at times, I was at the end of level 6 for 26 minutes trying to defeat this huge alien ship and the game glitches and caused me to lose the battle, after making several attempts, the same thing happened. This game is defected and I'm uninstalling
A Google user
Excellent so far