English Grammar Test

Fast track to master grammar with practice!

Total ratings

4.70 (Rating count: 19,906)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use interface and enjoyable for studying grammar.
  • Provides instant feedback with explanations for answers.
  • Suitable for all age groups and varying levels of grammar knowledge.
  • Offers a wide range of content and questions for practice.
  • User-friendly design that remembers where you left off.
  • Presence of ads that can be disruptive, especially during timed tests.
  • Several users reported issues with incorrect grammar rules in tests.
  • App resets answers when the screen orientation changes.
  • Limited ability to revisit and check wrong answers post-test.
  • Some users expressed concerns over required Google account usage.
Most mentioned
  • Ads being intrusive or disruptive during tests.
  • App reset issues when changing screen orientation.
  • Inaccuracy of grammar rules and ambiguous questions in tests.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.70
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Date Author Rating Comment
Nayla Salma
Redownloading this app to help me study grammar for my final exam. I'm surprised at how much the interface has changed. I used to take the tests a lot in my free time, years ago. I'm glad that this app is still here and getting updates.
ale fricher
The app give you the right answer instantly with the explanation. the numbers of ads are ok. 👌
Jackie Kidwell
This is the best English Grammar app I have ever used !! 😃😃 Think you're already great at grammar ?? That's what I thought !! I was dead wrong !! This app is fabulous for children, teens, adults and older adults and anyone who is serious about improving their grammar !! I highly recommend it and think it's the best English Grammar app ever !! I wish I could give it thirteen stars !! Well, I will !! 😃😃⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Sumit Dey
In this app step by step explanation only with questions are great. Spending some time everyday may strong the grip on grammar that's affect our communication. But ads need to be short, very annoying sometimes when thinking.
Mohammad Taiyab
The best app ever! Never before did I see such an amazing app like this! How'd I say? It's really a tremendous way of learning English Grammar in use and also has a fantabulous way of judging oneself how much skilled he/she is in Grammar around this moment. It's really been with a great help for me. I really recommend this 'English Grammar Test' app for all and sundry. I can't help rating it 5 star! One of the most helpful, also beneficial apps in Play Store!
Seth Flicker
Please beware of this app. The grammar rules in the two tests I took were incorrect. Student who practice on this app will undoubtedly be learning bad ungrammatical English. Do you want to know the proof? The people who gave this app a high rating write reviews with glaring grammatical errors (yes, I know they're just learning but still...) Please get an English speaker and grammaticitian to work on your app. The functions are fine. The lessons are not.
Laura Larsen
I expected better! I would not recommend this to anyone, regardless of their current level of grammar knowledge. In the first test, several of the questions were ambiguous in that both answers were grammatically correct! I selected the most obviously simplistic of the two in each case, but it was evident that the author(s) of these questions does not have more than an intermediary skill level, themselves. One of the 50 questions was even wrong. Nice premise, but this is just here to push ads.
Shatter Me
I've been using this for half a year. I answer a set from time-to-time. My initial scores are usually above 45 on the beginner level, but now I can perfect the previously answered sets. There are only two options for each item, which is perfect for lazy people like me, and it also has explanations for each item. This really helped me correct my minor errors. I haven't finished the beginner level though 😅. I'm very lazy.
Rama chandra Senapati
This app is perfect. There is an issue or bug in the app, when i am doing a general test if the screen rotates the time resets and the answers chosen also resets I request the Devs to look into this issue and fix it as soon as possible.
My problem. Dear owner ! This is a really good app to learn , i really like it , i do , but i do not like the fact that when I'm done doing the whole exercises , i've gotta uninstall it so that it can erase in order to start over , I just thought it could be absolutely smart of you guys to do something , if I could reset the book right after filling all the answers , it would be great , I wouldn't want to uninstall it for almost 2 work just to get all the answers erased . Hope you guys get
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