Translate All Languages

Translate all text, voice, and conversations. Translator & dictionary app.

Total ratings

4.58 (Rating count: 87,054)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Reliable translation capabilities
  • Useful for communication with foreign speakers
  • Fairly accurate translations
  • Improvement in translation features over time
  • Helped users learn new languages
  • Excessive ads that disrupt user experience
  • Issues with subscription and previous purchases
  • Poor customer support for billing problems
  • Intrusive ads that lead to unintended redirects
  • Unusable due to frequent advertising interruptions
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Subscription fees after previous purchases
  • Reliable translation
  • Loss of features in recent updates
  • Poor user experience due to ads
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.20
All time rating average: 4.58
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Rating filters

5 star
38% (13)
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9% (3)
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6% (2)
1 star
44% (15)
Date Author Rating Comment
There was too many ads. And why does it need access to your phone calls? I never ended up actually using it cause there was too many ads
beth ster
This app used to be great. Now there's so many ads and trying to get me to pay. I use this at work and don't have time to wait for the actual app to open.
Bought this app a couple of years ago and it worked great with no ads. Now the app has an obnoxious amount of ads and asks for an expensive paid weekly subscription to remove ads, even though I had bought the app previously. Don't bother with thos app.
Saddam Hussain
I have three points 1 :Everyone is greedy. 2:Tooo much ads. And 3: i just uninstall this app.
Joseph Jerry Santana
I've been fortunate to have foreign friends and this app has been phenomenal for my communication.
David Hatfield
This app used to be great, but now it's bogged down with a ton of interrupting ads. And not just a minor inconvenience, these are the worst kinds of ads that, when you press the "X" to close it, it actually opens your web browser and takes you to some webpage you never asked for. Do not install this app.
Pilar Marrero
This app is very reliable and its translation capabilities have only gotten better with time. I've used it for years. Highly recommended
Adenle Adeoti
DO NOT INSTALL!! I can't begin to describe how TERRIBLE my experience has been with this developer! I installed this App with a promise of 48 hours trial period but when it didn't work for image Chinese to English translation I tried to cancel but there was no way to do that. Now I am being billed $10/week even after mailing the developer that I would like to unsubscribe before the end of the trial period. I've lost over $20 in 2 weeks for an App that was not useful!
fiaz khan
The absolute most spam app out!! Terrible devs. 3 minimum ads for a single translation if your lucky. Some ads can't be canceled. Horrible!!!
christina baatz
I recommend this Translator , because it help me understand from one Language to the second language . Having a Translator makes communication easy FOR ME .
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