Reviews of VoIP Call Recorder (compatible

List of user reviews and ratings for VoIP Call Recorder (compatible

Total ratings

3.09 (Rating count: 358)

Review summary

  • Voice clarity is good
  • User-friendly interface
  • Successfully records calls on some devices
  • Only records one side of the conversation
  • Not functional on many devices (e.g., Samsung A32, Nokia 6.1)
  • Issues with recording VoIP calls effectively
  • Empty recordings or lack of audio files
  • Inconsistent performance in recording calls
Most mentioned
  • Only my voice is recorded
  • Not working on various phone models
  • Poor reliability in recording both sides of calls
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for VoIP Call Recorder (compatible on Google Play Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.10
All time rating average: 3.09
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60% (12)
Date Author Rating Comment
This app is very good especially the voice is clear and the easy way to use it ✌️👍
Abror Azizov
It doesn't record neither conventional, nor ip calls. Tried everything in the settings. Doesn't work
Roshan Sherchan
After recording, when tried to hear , the incoming sound is not heared.
Armane Photography
I could not recorded anything on Voice Over IP with this app. I have modified settings too but does not work yet. Finally I had no choice to uninstall this app.
Glen Mahabir
This is a good VoIP Call Recorder, however after using this App for sometime now it seems to not be consistent at recording all calls. That is why it received 3 Stars Another issue was that the VoIP did not detected calls that had ended and it continued recording the audio of all my activities around me until I shut it off.
Nothing than a blank fake app. Google has blocked. With Android 10, Google cracked down even further on these types of apps by blocking call recording via the microphone. In response, many app developers started tapping into Android’s Accessibility Service to record phone calls. But Google then updated its developer policy in April 2022 to state that it would not allow apps in the Play Store to use the accessibility service for call recording. That policy went into effect on May 11, 2022
Max MJ
Working as it should. Perfectly records both sides. Other side is bit low but manageable. Using in Redmi 10 Pro Max, Android 12 MiUi, Magisk 25.2.
sarifuzzaman sifat
This app is recording as a one sided recorder. This was so bad experience, when I tested my call recordings. Totally useless.
Not working on Samsung A32. Not recording voice of person on the other end. It's only recording my own voice. And where are the audio files stored? I cannot find them.
Kalpesh Gupta
Not working on Nokia 6.1 phone. Tried WhatsApp, do see recording in the list with all details but only 1 sec recording without any voice is there.
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