TD - War Strategy Game

Tower Defense - War Strategy Game - TD fans will be delighted to experience.

Total ratings

4.18 (Rating count: 1,265)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Much better graphics than the previous version
  • Exciting and easy to play
  • Addictive gameplay
  • Good sound effects
  • Excessive ads, including forced ads before gameplay
  • Lack of strategy in the game
  • Poor labeling of turrets
  • Lack of explanations for various symbols
Most mentioned
  • Too many ads
  • Improvement in graphics
  • Easy to play
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.18
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Date Author Rating Comment
Mr Blue
Ad after every level is a bit ridiculous. Couldn't see option to go ad-free but a gem pack for £98, Surely no one is dumb enough to pay that..
maxx khor
dont waste your time , too many ads. have to watch ads before play the game each time and each stage or level.
RV Ramos
Much better than the first one. Greater graphics.. Nice job! 👍👍👍
Hermenegildo Adriano
Exciting and easy to play
I won't be watching ads just to progress. It's a genre clone. You need to make a better game if you want that.
Don Mellish (9mmpatriot)
I really enjoy these tower defense games.
Patrick Farrell
Im older, 50, and a military vet. Its getting played frequently. The sounds are awesome. Good times. 5 star...
Bryce Kelley
I like to play to much. It has had a negative impact on the kids. I demand biscuits and pancakes. I want them now or fairly soon. Near to next to now and that is non negotiable. I never talk to myself because I strictly don't negotiate with terrorists. So my self talk is low to non existent. He he giggle. I am a leaf in the wind!!!
Shepherd Fredie Zvakayi
The best tower game ever very easy to play and so addictive thumps up developers its worthy five stars!!!
David Alon
Forced ads before i even started playing, uninstalled4
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