All Movies Downloader HD

HD All movies downloader app to save and watch HD videos & movies in offline

Total ratings

4.03 (Rating count: 2,080)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fast download speeds
  • Easy to use interface
  • Supports downloading movies in various formats
  • Background playing capability
  • Large collection of movies available
  • Cannot view downloaded movies within the app
  • Redirects to other apps like YouTube instead of downloading directly
  • App can crash or not open after download
  • Lack of a clear folder or organization for available downloads
Most mentioned
  • Ease of use
  • Fast download speed
  • Issues with accessing downloaded content
  • Redirects to other apps
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.03
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5 star
85% (17)
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10% (2)
Date Author Rating Comment
Andrea Blignaut
I just started using this app I downloaded a movie and it downloading fast the only problem is that u can't see the movies only search which is dumb they must make a folder where u can see which movie u can download and choose from
Promise Mbun
This was not how I thought it will work, I thought I just have to search a movie, and start downloading on the app. But instead it showed me a list of app like Chrome, Phoenix and when I click on those apps guess, what happened it took me to you tube and that's too bad too bad.
Jeremy Helmuth
Guys if you haven't already downloaded this app your missing out. This is by far the best app to download movies, videos ect. Fast download starts downloading immediately. 5 stars is underrating this app. Great job Dev. 👍
Niny Mathe
This is too good to be true, I am sure I will change this rating and comment bcz I have not seen a good app like this. I wake up with 10 movies & it opens Wi-Fi on its own and shut off at a specified time into an SD card. I know this will dissapoimt me later coz this is tooo good to be true👌👌👌
Atibo moises
I have tryied to download it but after to finish i clicked on open but guys it can't open , it disaper , it dismis or it return of playstore's window , and i try again again and again !!!!
Julie Julius
We can easily download movies of all types using this application this is very reliable application and works a lot faster than other applications
Khanum Khatoon#
All movie downloader is a best app to download all types of videos in any format .Easy to use .Thanks to developer for this app.
ZA Alone Funny
Download movie application is good. Its really amazing. Its features are so good and clear. I must recommend to all.
Zucks Jack bWn
Such a working app it is for downloading movies on any Android phone easily.Its interface & features are good.
blue shines
Download movies is the superb application. I really love it's features. As it's a good addition on playstore.
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