Simple RPG - Idle Tap Adventur

Choose a Hero and Embark on a Quest in this Idle Tap Auto Battle RPG!

Total ratings

4.00 (Rating count: 851)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and simple gameplay
  • Enjoyable for casual play
  • Decent progress system
  • Unique spin on idle and incremental genres
  • Offline gains often don't work or are very low
  • Repetitive and lacks depth
  • High prices for upgrades and items
  • Limited character customization
Most mentioned
  • Issues with offline earning
  • Repetitive gameplay and quests
  • High prices for in-game items/upgrades
  • Insufficient depth in game mechanics
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.00
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Date Author Rating Comment
There's nothing wrong with a simple little idle game. It's fun for what it is but there's a major problem in that the game will not give you away gold when you come back 1/3 of the time. A huge problem for an idle game. Plus the prices are unreasonable given the size and scope of the game.
Grey Andersmith
Enjoyable relaxing idler to fall asleep to or have running to nudge while I'm getting steps in around the house. Unfortunately, now I've got all five autoclickers it just flashes on the side of the screen constantly and I can't play anymore with that. If it can be nudged to be permanently at 50% that'd be awesome, thanks.
icy thelonius
There is only a little thing you can do in this game, upgrade things, then idle for a loo-ooooooo----oong time, re open the game, upgrade, idle, repeat. Basically most "idle" (because nothing to do) in the play store. Thinking going to give 3 star but maybe 2 star is generous enough.
Jake Schmid
Fun little idle incremental game. It puts a unique spin on both genres. But it's exactly what it tries to be: simple. I strongly disagree with the negative reviews—the pacing feels satisfying and there's a good preview of multiple prestige layers from the start. I picked it up this morning and was at stage 70 by evening.
Raw Green
A decent free offline game. You can drum multiple fingers on the screen instead of tapping with one finger to spare yourself some effort. It's a mindless activity, impossible to loose, somewhat enjoyable idle game with no intrusive ads.
Game seems way too long to get to inital 100 and still don't know how much will change/if it'll be worth it. I'll play till 100 to find out, but if there isn't much of a change, back to 2 stars. If it opens 2x more things, then 4 stars. Either way, needs more incentive for people to even grind to the first 100.
Joseph Wilson
Two things i want from this game that i got from the last one: interesting background music and clicking with some depth. Skills for the characters or item drops that boost certain attack types for x amount of time depending on grade or equipment that you have to upgrade through killing certain enemies. Something like that gets added, I'll add two stars. Good foundation.
Nothing feels like it works. . .all achievements no matter which tier you unlock give the same reward of 5 Crystal's and no boost to stats. . .the boosts to stats from completing a quest does nothing every quest ends at the same gold value you never progress faster and the cheapest thing to buy with Crystal's is 200 this game needs a ton of work
stephen urch
Simple? Extremely, i tried to make it to new game+ but just couldn't keep the motivation after 5 clears. Open the game hit upgrade, close the game come back in 6 hours. Too basic needs content.
James Ross
There is a couple of issue when after going offline an jumping back on hours or days later it doesn't give you your offline gains I'd like to see more customisation of the character if your character uses a sword upon upgrading the sword the sword in hand changes design to match the one below the option to continue on once hitting the level cap at 20 40 instead of being forced to upgrade would be cool
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