Reviews of Vodafone Pay

List of user reviews and ratings for Vodafone Pay

Total ratings

3.69 (Rating count: 36,035)

Review summary

  • Very useful for daily transactions.
  • After the learning period extremely easy to use.
  • The last updates are good and useful.
  • Cannot log in due to various errors.
  • Inconsistent performance and keeps crashing.
  • Issues with registration and loading money into the card.
Most mentioned
  • Login issues
  • App crashes and unexpected errors
  • Difficulty in registering an account
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.69
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Rating filters

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65% (13)
Date Author Rating Comment
Seyi Oroneye
I was told my password has expired,trying to login with my details but I am getting error message that my details is incorrect. I cannot login to my account.
Şuayb Demir
Vodaphone Pay keeps stopping
Emin Gv
Not working with Android 8.0.0? Android 8.0.0 da neden çalışmıyor?
True Swiftie
The worst app ever! Doesn't even give the gift money they offered. They don't let you swap your money back to your bank account,they don't let you combine the money in your virtual card and virtual purse. They don't help you with anything at all.
Abdulrahman Abdullah
I lost 1200TL because of this app they offer support in Turkish language only and it takes them 30 days to answer emails I don't recommend it
alhusam 64
The last updates are so good and useful.. we wait for the yanimda points .
murat altinay
Menu is little confusing but you can do whatever you want in your comfort zone
Talk Atone
The application and the card are so bad .. we cannot withdraw the money from the card .. we cannot buy from markets or online.. buying is just from yanımda.. in addition with the last update my cards disappeared from Vodafone Pay application.
Abdul wahab Nehlaoui (Abou Anas)
Very useful and helpful card
Kerem Ercoskun
After the learning period extremely easy to use...
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