
MagiCard - a professional card illusion app capable of multiple amazing reveals!

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5.00 (Rating count: 8)
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Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00

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Date Author Rating Comment
A Google user
This is a very slick and detailed app. You will definitely trick people with it once you get the hang of all that it can do.
A Google user
Super fun app, once you get smooth enough handling it, it really puzzles people. I have seen 10 people trying to figure out the trick at the same time with no luck :D It is really engaging!
A Google user
This is crazy! People think I am a trained pro after 5 minutes of practice. I am going to order my magnetic ring right now to use the fancy advanced features next!
A Google user
I love this app, new features keep coming and I fool people every time I perform it. Can't wait to see what comes next!
A Google user
Awesome! This illusion is creative and flexible and fooled me quite a few times before I started performing it myself. My kids and their friends love it as well.
A Google user
Fantastic app, the great thing is that it is repeatable and examinable. I have fooled tens of friends already and they were all blown away. Totally worth the low price I paid for it, highly recommended.