3SRB is an ancient technique of total breathing.
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Date Author Rating Comment
Samarth Patil
amazing app about to change life of many people if they follow the exercises everyday👍🏻👍🏻
Kanak Jani
Dear Spiritual Brother, please add : 36 minit for 12 cycle, two Mala+36 minit for 18 cycle, three Mala+36 minit for 36 cycle, six Mala, Every Mala ends with bell.(Pl correct, if any mistake) Special for NAVRATRI ANUSHTHAN for both NAVRATRI (KANAKBHAI JANI)
Arpan Rajani
Works perfectly well on my android phone. It has music for 3 SRB , refinement and other exercises.
Suratha Parhi
Very useful app. But it is crashing while opening any audio file. Unable to play any audio. Other contents are opening properly.
Seeker Seeking
Latest version is crashing whenever I try to play Audio inGalaxy M12. Please fix the issue. Unable to use the app🙏
Dushyant Tanna
Great app. Facing an issue. When I rotate the phone, it mixes the music. So I have to exit the app, turn off the rotation and then it works best.
Sam P
Please update this app,it is not working in my Android phone,when i starts the app and enter in any section like music or any other ,app automatically take me to phone's homescreen.
Jinal V
Wonderful and very useful app. But the videos are not opening after the recent update.
dharmesh paghdar
Thousands of words aren't enough to narrate 3srb.truly priceless,evergreen,infinite treasure.just tune in yourself with 3srb and flow in rhythm. Feel ecstasy forever. Aum satyam param dhimhi.
Jitendra Wagh
Is a very useful app. It is thanks to Yogi Taveraji that he has given the path of liberation freely. 3 s rb has made the sadhana path much easier. Millions of prostrations Now a day's music file is not playing properly pls do something
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