Reference for Unix & Linux

Unix and Linux Commands Reference App with Fresh and Compact UI

Total ratings

4.78 (Rating count: 974)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Google Play Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great educational resource for both beginners and advanced users
  • Easy to use and understand
  • Useful for brushing up on knowledge and learning new commands
  • Stable and no ads, enhancing user experience
  • Good explanations and clear format
  • Needs updates for newer systems and commands
  • Concerns over data handling, creating copies of sensitive files
  • Minor issues with the search functionality
Most mentioned
  • Easy to use
  • Great for learning and reference
  • Lacks current updates for commands
  • Issues with data handling
  • Well-explained content
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.40
All time rating average: 4.78
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Date Author Rating Comment
Laurențiu MLADEN (3Merlin)
I just installed your application. At first glance it looks OK...
Anthony Jurgens
Great app for people of all levels for those of us who love Linux. very good for brushing up on knowledge or who are just learning.
Gang Chen
Easy to use, stable, useful
Gordon McIntosh
good concept no ads attached be good needs to be revised and updated for current systems eg ubuntu yaml and iproute2 still needs updating to the latest commands sept 2021 that the only reason it dont get 5 stars
Tripple Sevens
I think you guys are on top something big because some way shape or form I was able top retain all almost all of the info I read on. Thank you I will definitely check out other informative apps that can help new people like myself in my journey to help make the best decisions for myself when it comes to extensive learning,training and obtaining career EDU for the future to ultimately help the next man that is struggling... SEEKING CERTIFICATION DO U GUYS OFFER???? JOHN 7:24 7GOD7 BLESS7
Vadim Klimets
Great educational app about Unix & Linux commands!
Bryan la Grua
Great reference! While I already know many of the commands shown in the app, it's useful to help me learn some new ones and brush up on what I already know.
Ali Murtajiz
Splendid work, keep it up
Stuart Rhue
All good just didn't get the chance to use it and spend the time to see all still recommend it if you have the opportunity
Derek A
I discovered that it creates a copy of ALL readable documents, not just pointers, including SENSITIVE and CONFIDENTIAL files. I immediately deleted the app, but these copies remain. Very poor approach to data handling.
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